Please ask any questions about SpaceEngine here.
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Suggestions for SpaceEngine
I seriously hope you're exaggerating.I am literally pulling hair out of my head. I'm screaming at family members trying to bring me food, kicking the pet dog, and I think I broke my pinky finger bone slamming the desk with my fist.
WASDRF + Mouse isn't any more a game of Twister than any other game's controls.That aside, the controls for moving the camera are like a game of Twister on my keyboard.
Go into spacecraft mode [2], hold right mouse button and move the mouse a little (just a single movement is necessary, no need to drag continuously). As long as you keep holding the mouse button, the camera will continue to move at a constant speed at a fixed distance from the planet's center.My question is: WHERE IS THE "EASY" GO INTO ORBIT BUTTON!?!?!?
Follow = camera stays fixed relative to the planet's center. Rotate = camera stays fixed relative to the planet's surface. Try using Rotate mode while far from a planet and speed up time, or try using Follow mode while on a planet's surface (most noticeable if you're not on a tidally locked planet and not at the poles). You'll quickly see what the difference is.Then we get into binding to objects, which I assume is done automatically whenever approaching a selected object. You can bind by Following an object (binding to its center point) or you can bind to an object with the Sync Rot Mode (binding to the surface of an object). I don't know what difference there really is between the two, but I think I can notice when it switches automatically if I have landed on the surface or if I am some distance away from it.
Unfortunately this doesn't exist right now, and I'm not sure how easy it would be to add.What I want is an Orbital View mode that is hands free
It's because you're in Follow mode and you have time sped up. Spacecraft mode isn't contributing. The camera itself isn't orbiting the object. The object is rotating beneath the camera, and its orbital motion is causing the planet to apparently rise. This is the difference between Follow and Rotate mode. If you'd been in rotate mode, your camera would have remained fixed above the surface. Instead you're fixed relative to the object's center, so the camera moves with the object through space but doesn't rotate with it.My only guess is I am in Space-craft mode (pressed button 2) and then Shift - F, but I can not repeat this "accident" anywhere else.
With a little bit of work you can do this now, by spawning a spacecraft and using cheats to help put it into a circular orbit at the desired altitude and inclination. And one day there may be an option to do what you want, just press a button or two and the camera orbits the object.Maybe in the future it won't be necessary to keep holding the mouse button, so not only will I have the best ever universe simulation, but also the world's best live wallpaper!
That seems simple enough, but it feels like you're a communications satellite. I'm looking for more of a flying in a hang-glider feeling, where your direction can be changed slightly, but the camera (your head) can swivel about, even 360 degrees, but I would also like to do this hands-free. Meaning once I like the direction I can just sit back and watch. I just now have a moment to run SE and try out HarbingerDawn's suggested methods. Thanks for your help!Keep in mind, as long as you are target locked, you will not be able to look around anywhere else, but you will be able to rotate around the planet hands free.
You can use scripts. Such scripts must of course first be created.
// Olympus Mons
// Put in [SpaceEngine]\addons\scripts (for SE 0.980)
// Open console, type:
// Run omons (without .sc)
Time Current
//Time 2016.05.04 15:03:07
GotoFast Mars
Wait 3.0
LandTo 18.247 -133.173 4000
Wait 3.0