If it's animation of these control surfaces you are referring to, then no, there is no moving parts to any ship model. Yet. The only thing you should see is text feedback — Flight Mode: Aviation, and then control surface deflection in Horizon HUD mode.
[left]Thanks for the reply Mr. Abner.[/left]
[left]No i was referring to the control surfaces (Keys and HUD) - not animation.[/left]
[left]When flying (slowly - low dynamic pressure) in aviation mode I press the rudder controls, flaps etc but no change in the HUD they always display.[/left]
[left]Elevator 0.00[/left]
[left]Rudder 0.00[/left]
[left]Ailerons 0.00[/left]
[left]Flaps 0.00[/left]
[left]In the flight school manual for 0.98 there is a screenshot of the Skylone with elevator set at -20.00[/left]
[left]I cannot get these four 'surface' controls to work at all?[/left]
[left]I need to be able to perform level flying in a standard Earth atmosphere... such as Earth lol.... without having to rely on hover thrust to keep you from falling! An elevator setting (Such as elevator trim on aircraft) would allow for this.[/left]
I use default keys for ship control by the way.
[left]Any help appreciated.[/left]