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Obscure commands that do seemingly nothing

14 Jun 2021 15:27

What do the "SparseStarSystemsSearch" and "FindEarths" commands do?
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Obscure commands that do seemingly nothing

15 Jun 2021 17:24

You don't need them, those are debug variables.
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Obscure commands that do seemingly nothing

15 Jun 2021 18:44

You don't need them, those are debug variables.
Debug variables? Sorry, don't speak Russian ^^
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Re: Obscure commands that do seemingly nothing

10 Jul 2023 22:24


Is it possible to change the current date and time in SE? The always load in year 2518. I'd like to set the current date the same as my computer at startup and be able to set whatever the date I want. It should be interesting to do so for season exploring of the solar system or whatever else.

Is it possible?

Thank you!
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Re: Obscure commands that do seemingly nothing

11 Jul 2023 03:48


Is it possible to change the current date and time in SE? The always load in year 2518. I'd like to set the current date the same as my computer at startup and be able to set whatever the date I want. It should be interesting to do so for season exploring of the solar system or whatever else.

Is it possible?

Thank you!
Given that specific date set in the future, it seems that you are using SpaceEngine in Flight Simulator mode. That mode has a restriction for time settings, as it is meant to set a possible "Game" scenario where time goes only in one direction.
Time does not have restrictions in two cases:
  • When SpaceEngine is used in Planetarium mode. Go back to the main menu and select "Planetarium", then "Continue". With this mode you have full control of time features. You don't have access to controllable ships from there, though. I strongly suggest checking "Tutorial" at that point, as it explains how various commands and features work in SpaceEngine.
  • When in Flight Simulator mode, there's a cheat code that can be used from in-game console (~ key), TARDIS . This command will unlock Time controls in the Time/navigation toolbar.
"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so". Douglas N. Adams
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Re: Obscure commands that do seemingly nothing

21 Nov 2024 01:01

Your answer is very detailed and clear, thanks.

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