These are screenshots from the program Space Engine, the reason for this forum.What equipment do you use to view nebulae? Or are they a selection of photos from the Internet? I just think you need super-powerful equipment for such research. And for such equipment, you first need to be outside the city, so that the light from the lanterns does not interfere. And it seems to me that something like a separate observatory is needed to house a huge telescope. It seems to me that all this should be worth not a din million dollars.
Ha! Good one.> what equipment did you use for these pictures
A keyboard for sure, probably hitting F11
You dont even need a telescope to view nebula. I have viewed the Orion Nebula very well with my 10x50 binoculars from my bedroom window (yes with the window closed) on Long Island.I dream about viewing nebulae with a telescope, but my telescope isn't powerful enough. It lets me see certain planets and star clusters. This gallery and Space Engine, in general, is a perfect place for all space lovers, including me, because only here we can enjoy these beauties. I think that nebulae made me fall in love with space and start exploring it, so I'll never stop spending time observing these clouds.