Full changelog of updates on Steam:
Build 0.990.33.1625
- Fixed crash if SDL reports invalid joystick instance ID (-1)
- Texture compression is disabled by default for high and ultra graphics settings
Build 0.990.34.1630
- Fixed missing terrain on integrated Intel graphics
- Fixed glitch with eclipse shadows on rings
- Completed Spanish localization
- Dimmer nebulae
- Main menu button "Exit" is changed to "Exit VR" in the VR mode
- A note added to the tutorials menu what they are not designed for VR
- Added the main menu button binding to the first Vive controller
- Ship manager automatically appear on entering the Simulator mode if there are no ships built
Build 0.990.34.1640
- Fixed disappearing of interface in the fish eye mode on checking "Distort interface"
- Added Polish localization
- Stereobase can be changed only in VR/3D modes
- Fixed Haumea rings
Build 0.990.34.1645
- Fixed stereobase change
- Fixed mass of Luhman 16 A and B
Build 0.990.35.1655
- Limited paste text buffer size
- Some fixes in catalogs
- Updated exoplanet catalog by June 21, 2019 (Teegarden's star and other updates)
- Fixed abrupt scarps on terrestrial planets
- Fixed high-frequency "penitentes" on icy worlds
- Fixed depth of rayed craters
- Added timeout to the loading screen to prevent get stuck on it for too long time
- Adjusted coefficients in the mass-radius equation for more precise result [pending for 0.991]
- Updated localizations
- Fixed procedural galaxy/quasar seed change bug
- Disabled loading indicator in VR
- Fixed broken export of planet textures after landing on a planet
- Fixed huge lag at startup and on switching graphics quality presets
Build 0.990.35.1660
- Automatic saturation of stellar illumination
- Fixed star corona color bug
- Fixed toggle of the fullscreen mode when "Configure codec" is pressed in the video capture dialog
- VR/3D mode can be toggled by a hotkey / in the main menu
- In VR help about VR controller buttons bindings is displayed on the main menu background (Oculus and Vive, text is in English)
- In VR Solar system browser automatically hides itself after clicking "fly to" button
- In main menu script, buttons, labels and edit can have internal name; if not specified, data from the Text field is used
- Option to make planet hidden by default in the sc file - visible false
- Changed atmosphere model/color assignment rules
- Some fixes in catalogs
- Fixed bug with clusters/nebulae particles always rendered even if clusters/nebulae were disabled
- Reduced star particle wobbling effect of a very distant catalog stars
- Increased lens flare visibility range for very bright star systems
- Changed location preview file name generation method
Build 0.990.36.1665
- Some fixes in catalogs
- Multithreaded saving of screenshot (no lag on saving to png)
- Multithreaded saving of video frame images
- Updated video saving tool:
-- Option for automatically run a script simultaneously with start of video capture
-- Video capture is stopping automatically once script is complete
-- Options to minimize or close SpaceEngine once script is complete
- Planet emission textures are stored with color textures in the same array to save video memory
- Planet thermal textures are stored with hight textures in the same array to save video memory [experimental]
- Reduced tiling of some terrain textures
- Fixed bug with non-saving of database file of user names and descriptions
- Fixed bug with change of planet atmosphere color after restart
- Improved appearance of red giants
- Improved color variety of planet atmospheres [experimental]
- In HDR photo mode, aurora faded out with distance to not spoil appearance of a planet from space [experimental]
- Fixed dry lacustrine planets
- Fixed missing terraced mountains
- Released new version of the CubeMap tool - 1.15
Build 0.990.37.1690
- While exporting planet textures, clouds transparency is not saved into a separate file
- Ability to specify custom subfolder to save video file/frames in the video capture dialog
- Fixed bug when some terrain node textures didn't generated
- Fixed bug with terrain not generating while recording video
- Opposition effect on planetary rings; parameters are added to planet scripts and editor
- Unicode support:
-- All localizations updated to UTF-8 encoding
-- Texture fonts replaced with ttf fonts
-- Added traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese and Japanese localizations
-- In language selection menu, country flags and full names of localizations are displayed
- Apollo 11 'Eagle' Lunar module model on the Moon surface
- Fixed bug with UI window stuck in moving mode when was closed by hotkey before releasing the left mouse button
- Fixed selecting of stars in star clusters and nebulae
- Mouse click in the text input field moves cursor to the nearest character
- Fixed arrow button of volumetrics resolution sliders
Build 0.990.37.1705
- Some fixes in catalogs
- Updated localizations
- Fixed auto-filling of the pioneer name and discovery date for procedural objects in the Wiki
- Fixed star cluster selection bug
- Fixed issue with ship control panel appearing in the planetarium mode
- Semi-bold font for interface text of default (small) size
Build 0.990.37.1710
- Updated default and DLC textures of the Moon (11 GB)
- Updated default and DLC textures of the Charon
- Tilt adjustment for objects/spacecraft fixed on planetary surface
- Added all Apollo landing sites with closeup textures
- Adjusted Apollo LM position and tilt
- Fixed Apollo LM star-like particle brightness
- Fixed updating of BumpHeight and BumpOffset in the Planet editor
- Exposure compensation is saved between sessions
- Added asteroids named after science fiction authors
Build 0.990.37.1720
- Added "Spanish - Spain" localization, old Spanish renamed to "Spanish - Latin America"
- Updated localizations
- Fixed Carina nebula model
- Fixed crash with NVidia driver version 436.15
- Fixed points counter in the camera path editor tool
Build 0.990.38.1730
- New Titan textures by retro-visor
- Gamma correction for planet textures: parameter in catalog scripts and slider in the editor
- Adjusted gamma of Jupiter and Io textures
- Adjusted photometric properties of Jupiter and the Galilean satellites for increased accuracy
- New music by Lokijar
- Fixed bug with selection of wrong screenshot file format at startup
- Fixed displaying of incorrect axis tilt for procedural planets
- Fixed generation of too many extremely tilted procedural planets [pending for for 0.991]
- Updated localizations
- Updated exoplanet catalog (September 10, 2019)
- Added comet C/2019 Q4 (Borisov) and other minor bodies
- Added names for 5 recently named satellites of Jupiter
- Added ability to specify a threshold for the bloom effect
- Solar system browser: fixed empty (globe) previews in the very long list of satellites
- Fixed model of the galaxy ESO 510-G13
- Fixed bug with displacement and flickering of star lens flares in fish eye/cylindrical/cube modes what happened in distant galaxies
- Fixed bug with displacement of autoexposure metering zone
Build 0.990.38.1740
- Fixed bug with erroneous planetary systems in globular clusters
- Fixed completely black areas on old red giants in auto/manual exposure mode
- Fixed incorrect orientation of orbits of Galilean moons
- Hapke parameters for coherent backscatter for planet surface, clouds and rings
Build 0.990.38.1750
- Initial Steam Workshop support (WIP)
- Addon config file with ability to enable/disable Steam Workshop addons
- Fixed bug with rendering of grayscale-alpha textures of ships
- Ability to select objects by mouse click from the cockpit view in the ship
- Disabled clouds rotation for tri-axial planets (example: WASP-12 b)
- More transparent atmospheres on hot gas giants
- Experimental subsurface scattering for clouds on terrestrial planets
- Updated exoplanet catalog
- Updated catalog of binary asteroids
- Multiple fixes in binary stars catalog
- Added parameter MassJup to planet and star catalog scripts
- Support of UTF-8 names of objects in catalog script (but not recommended, localization database must be used for localized names)
- Updated localizations
- Fixed bug with switching of pressure units on the Wiki Hydrosphere info page
- Export localizations to JSON format (needed for online translation services)
- Fixed object diameter filter in the Chart mode
Build 0.990.39.1760
- Introducing the LaunchPad: Steam Workshop addons manager and uploader
- Shorter cache file paths
- Fixed broken rendering/style settings after starting SE by clicking on se:// url
- Russian localization: changed names of planet temperature classes to better match the English localization
- Removed Chthonia planet class from the Star browser (this class is not implemented in the engine anyway)
- Changed atmosphere generator so it produces more blue Earth-like atmosphere models
- Fixed crash on updating atmosphere model
- Added models of (486958) Arrokoth/2014 MU69 (ex Ultima Thule), (25143) Itokawa and (433) Eros (by Mosfet)
- Fixed blurry nebulae and galaxies on skybox export
- Fixed blurry nebulae and galaxies on video capture when "Set graphics to maximum" is chosen
- Fixed initialization of the the video capture tool with incorrect screenshot file format listed
- SteamVR Input (native support of Valve Index and other controllers)
- Default binding configuration for HTC Vive, Valve Index, WMR and Oculus Touch controllers
- Pressing menu button on VR controller brings up side screen toolbars instead of opening the main menu
- Main menu VR help texture changes based on the currently active VR controllers
- Smoothed VR laser ray movement to reduce shaking and increase selection precision
- Added travel time counter when using the "Go to" command
- "Go to" in VR quickly rotates view so that target object is centered
- Import localizations from CSV format (needed for online translation services)
- Added Turkish localization
Build 0.990.39.1765
- Updated exoplanet catalogs
- Updated localizations
- Fixed Auto Illumination saturation checkbox in the main menu
- Fixed usage of the Load button in the Locations browser from the main menu
- Few bugfixes in the LaunchPad
Build 0.990.39.1770
- Fixed issue with NVidia driver 441.66
Build 0.990.39.1775
- Added Korean localization
- Fixed errors in tutorials
- Fixed bug with UI overlay in Steam VR on AMD/ATI graphics cards
Build 0.990.40.1805
- Fixed bug with first uploading of the addon project in LaunchPad
- Fixed non-appearing of SE window when it launched from LaunchPad
- Ability to define a state vector instead of a planet orbit in the catalog and export it (WIP)
- Optimization of the engine (implemented uniform buffer objects)
- Changed orbital lines rendering to a new method (artifact-free)
- Implemented built-in ffmpeg video capture with optional hardware acceleration
- Fixed incorrect black body colouration presets
- Some fixes in catalogs
- Histogram-based auto exposure
- Updated exposure/brightness settings for Solar system objects
- Debuggung menu
- Fixed discontinuty bug in quaternion interpolation
- Updated localizations
- Added Ukrainian, Romanian localization
Build 0.990.40.1810
- Fixed unexpected behavior of slider value edit in the settings and other dialogs
- Released new version of the CubeMap tool - 1.16
- Updated textures of Iapetus
- Updated exoplanets catalog
Build 0.990.40.1813
- Added checks and logging for UBO initialization
- Added checks and logging for video recording failures
- Fixed unexpected behavior of slider value edit in the settings and other dialogs (again)
- Fixed Venus solar day length info
- Fixed displaying of non-printable object name ($) on the navigation toolbar
- Updated localizations
- Some fixes and updates in catalogs
Build 0.990.41.1824
- Lighting refactoring and optimization
- Multithreaded update of lighting and eclipse shadows
- Optimized performance of Star browser
- Customizeable ship engine effect shaders
- Fixed some bugs with comet tails
- More realistic comet tail appearance
- Updates in catalogs
- Multithreaded sorting of sprites of galaxies and nebulae models
- Optimized video memory consumption by PBR environment maps
- Optimized loading performance of large sc catalogs
- Optimized rendering performance of large comets catalog per planetary system
- Fixed some bugs with the Chart mode
- Fixed some bugs with the Star browser
- Ability to speedup time to more than 10,000x in the game mode by the cheat code TARDIS
Build 0.990.42.1830
- Updated exoplanets catalog
- Added new names of 112 exoplanets and their host stars
- Updated Mars texture
- New Pluto texture
- New Iapetus texture and elevation map
- New soundtrack by Lokijar
- Context music playback config file is updated to the new planet classification, small manual is added to it
- Some updates in the Wiki
- Added ability to directly specify planet palette preset in a planet's script
- Probabilities of an equatorial ridge generation are added to the config
- Terrain shader mods are automatically disabled if they causes problems with SE startup
- Added note to spacecraft manager that ships can be piloted in simulator mode, and a button to switch to it
- Added buttons binds and help texture for Vive Cosmos controllers
- Fixed distance to Maffei 1 and 2 galaxies
- Fixed a typo in the main config which caused duplication of the VR section
- Fixed giant scarps (cliffs) artifact near rift valleys
- Fixed bug with stars not illuminating other stars in the same system (caused black brown dwarfs)
- Fixed saturation of planet shine lighting in real exposure modes
- Fixed crash when using telescopic zoom on galaxy clusters
- Fixed baseline of subscript text
- Fixed broken loading of RLE-compressed TGA files