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Re: Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine 0.990

27 Oct 2023 10:50

Look at the earth and mercury temp, its -206,and yes i have no mod, restarted pc, installed latest driver, delete cache reinstall game
almost all planet are this way
This is a known bug related to the latest climate update in the steam beta branch. Devs are testing a fix right now.
"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so". Douglas N. Adams
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Re: Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine 0.990

01 Nov 2023 16:40

I got an issue realating to custom planets. I made a custom planet called "Liumosa" to have earthlike properties. Liumosa is supposed to be a mesomarine not a psychromarine. However earth is a mesomarine but Liumosa is not. I do not know if that is a bug or not. However the temperature of this is only 10 °C on average temperature for Liumosa. Also the siqur system is a txt file.
This is the issue
Source code for Liumosa
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Re: Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine 0.990

05 Nov 2023 12:21

After latest climate update I can no longer find terrestrial worlds using the atmosphere filter setting in the star browser. It [s]only[/s] mostly returns gas &/or ice giants (mini/mega/super etc variants). Shouldn't setting the limits in between 0 & 2 atms filter out gas & ice giants? It used to work ok before the update.
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Re: Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine 0.990

16 Nov 2023 19:48

I bought SpaceEngine on Steam recently. After downloading it, I ticked all the DLC and downloaded them too. Upon launching the game, the loading screen pops up for about 1 second then disappears like I never tried to launch it.
I tried verifying the integrity of the files, uninstalling and reinstalling the game, clearing the Download Cache, updating graphics drivers and the other recommended thing "oalinst", checking Visual C++ 2015 Redist, and a few other obscure potential solutions I found on YouTube, but nothing I do has any effect.

I am hoping that the log will reveal to you my situation and a potential fix. I have also included some information that I found about my PC.
Thank you, I look forward to hearing back
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My PC details
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Re: Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine 0.990

17 Nov 2023 04:40

I bought SpaceEngine on Steam recently. After downloading it, I ticked all the DLC and downloaded them too. Upon launching the game, the loading screen pops up for about 1 second then disappears like I never tried to launch it.
I tried verifying the integrity of the files, uninstalling and reinstalling the game, clearing the Download Cache, updating graphics drivers and the other recommended thing "oalinst", checking Visual C++ 2015 Redist, and a few other obscure potential solutions I found on YouTube, but nothing I do has any effect.

I am hoping that the log will reveal to you my situation and a potential fix. I have also included some information that I found about my PC.
Thank you, I look forward to hearing back
According to the log, the program is unable to initialize Microsoft Directsound audio support, which means that there's possibly some issue wth audio drivers.
I see PC Specialist LTD H110M-R seems to actually use a motherboard Asus with the same name H110M-R, but that needs to be verified.
If it's true, I would suggest you to download latest Realtek audio drivers for your motherboard, uninstall the existing ones and install them again.
"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so". Douglas N. Adams
| My mods: http://forum.spaceengine.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=80 | My specs: Asus x555ub - cpu i5-6200u, ram 12gb, gpu nvidia geforce 940m 2gb vram |
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Re: Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine 0.990

21 Dec 2023 13:39

If you centre on Earth and Goto Earth then turn orbits on there is a red orbit (presumably barycentric orbit of Earth and moon) coming from centre of Earth. None of the Orbit/Marker/Label controls work on this orbit so it cannot be hidden. You can only hide it by turnong off orbits completely.

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Re: Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine 0.990

21 Dec 2023 20:38

I found a new bug in the flight simulator. When a ship touches the ground it gets stuck in place and teleports into the ground
anywhere from a fraction of a meter to kilometers deep (depending on terrain and object). This issue doesn't seem to happen on
all objects.

screenshot below shows issue.
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Re: Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine 0.990

03 Jan 2024 21:14

I am a new user, and I have this running successfully on a Steam Deck and a potato PC.  On my main computer, an Intel MacBook Pro with a Radeon GPU running Windows 11, it crashes shortly after the main menu appears, and there is no audio.  OpenAL32.dll did not install itself, so I had to coy it from one of the other PCs (I also tried the full OpenAL install, no change), and se.log shows:
[MT] Creating OpenAL context
[MT] ERROR: seSoundRenderer::CreateContext(): Error opening default sound device
[MT] Vendor:   (null)
[MT] Renderer: (null)
[MT] OpenAL Version: (null)
[MT] OpenAL Extensions: (null)

Another possible hint might be that I use this as an Oculus Quest 2 PC, and even though I don't have VR running, se.log shows:
[MT] Detected VR runtime: SteamVR
[MT] Auto VR runtime: SteamVR
[MT] Used VR runtime: SteamVR
(It shows this even if I have Oculus set as the OpenXR driver.)

I was going to try calling SpaceEngine.exe with command-line options to disable VR and/or audio, or to force audio detection, but I can't find a list of command-line options anywhere, and SpaceEngine.exe /? and SpaceEngine.exe --help do nothing.
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Re: Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine 0.990

03 Jan 2024 22:41

Update: I didn't realize I still had version from September 2020 installed.  I uninstalled that and installed the 0.990.39 compatibility version, and I had to force Steam to reinstall OpenAL32.dll by changing Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Valve\Steam\Apps\CommonRedist\OpenAL\ key from 1 to 0.  It gave choppy audio as opposed to none, but still crashed.  I changed to the current version 0.990.46.2005, it crashed when attempting to process the first shader file in data\shaders\Shaders.pak.  I changed to what the Steam store has marked as the previous version 0.990.43.1890; it starts correctly and has working audio.  (Something between the previous and current version causes the crash, which will be a problem once 0.990.43.1890 is no longer available for download from the Steam store).
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Re: Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine 0.990

04 Jan 2024 22:27

It gets weirder: If I start the app with an HDMI monitor and audio, it crashes after the load screen.  If I start it just with the laptop display and audio, it runs okay, and I can attach the HDMI connection and switch to it.  Small DLC like Pluto works, but Jupiter causes a crash on startup (starting worker threads), requiring me to uninstall it.  (This may or may not be the cause of previous crashes as well.)
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Re: Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine 0.990

05 Jan 2024 13:05

I purchased Space Engine from the Steam store on 25th November 2023

I have downloaded an sss file for the Discovery from 2001 from werdnaforever's Orbital Shipyardthe in the Space Engine forums;
I have followed the instructions to install the sss file into Space Engine and placed the sss file in the spacecraft subfolder as instructed ;
'To install, place an SSS file inside /addons/models/spacecraft. This is relative to the root of your SpaceEngine directory; create it if it's not there
The JSON files can be opened in the ship editor.
if you just want to fly a ship I recommend you just download the SSS file.
If you want to edit the JSON files, you will have to re-edit the SSS file; see here at the "Exporting Ships to SpaceEngine" section'
I did not download the JSON files as I only want to fly the Discovery ship
When I launch Space engine I can't find the Discovery in the shipbuilder to put it into the game.
I am from the older cohort ( nearly 70) and very computer tech challenged.
I watched the  tutorial video pinned in the steam workshop discussions but couldn't understand much of it as it seemed for more complicated tasks than simply loading a spacescaft sss file into the game.
I would be very grateful if you could help me to get the discovery into Space Engine
I downloaded the sss file from here;
Image of the Discovery copied from werdnaforever's Orbital Shipyardthe in the Space Engine forums;
Many thanks
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Re: Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine 0.990

06 Jan 2024 08:59

I purchased Space Engine from the Steam store on 25th November 2023
I have downloaded an sss file for the Discovery from 2001 from werdnaforever's Orbital Shipyardthe in the Space Engine forums;
When I launch Space engine I can't find the Discovery in the shipbuilder to put it into the game.
The positioning of the links for the .sss files in the post you mention is perhaps a bit confusing. What you linked in your post is the Venturestar.sss file for the Venture Star, from the Avatar franchise. I think that's the reason why you don't see the Discovery in the shipbuilder list. The Link for the Discovery sss file is the one just below, named xrd1.sss, this one:
The instructions where to place the sss file are correct. You should find the ship under Pack: SpaceEngine > Faction: SHW Corp > Name: XRD-1
"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so". Douglas N. Adams
| My mods: http://forum.spaceengine.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=80 | My specs: Asus x555ub - cpu i5-6200u, ram 12gb, gpu nvidia geforce 940m 2gb vram |
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Re: Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine 0.990

06 Jan 2024 16:36

Many thanks Mosfet, I'll try it tomorrow
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Re: Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine 0.990

06 Jan 2024 22:25

I'm experiencing graphical striping on planets when zoomed out. When turning off atmospheres the planet returns to normal. 
System Specs:
Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 7600
GPU: AMD Radeon rx 5700 xt
I'm using Proton on steam, every version I've tried exhibits the same bug.
Screenshot from 2024-01-06 23-23-19.png
Screenshot from 2024-01-06 23-23-19.png (141.87 KiB) Viewed 2026 times
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Re: Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine 0.990

08 Jan 2024 12:55

Hello and thanks Mosfet  for your excellent  instructions on where to find my ship which have enabled me to get my ship into space engine.
I tried for several hours to get it to go Jupiter or spawn at Jupiter but failed to do so as it seems to be 7.25 Light Years away.
 All I want to do is see the Discovery xrd.1 with Jupiter as a backdrop and take some screenshots - Is there any simple way to get my ship in close proximity to Jupiter without having to undertake the extremely complex flight mechanics which I have researched but fear that they are way beyond my abilities ( as well as the many others that have posted on various forums saying they gave up trying to fly spacecraft in Space Engine as it was far too difficult and went back to just using the Planetarium.)
If there is any simple way to get my ship to spawn near Jupiter I would be very grateful for any suggestions or  instructions on how to achieve this.
Many Thanks

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