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Dreams you've had

02 Nov 2016 16:21

Tell us any funny/scary/strange dreams you've had. 
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Dreams you've had

18 Dec 2016 14:19

The scariest dream I have ever had doesn't sound frightening at all. It was very short, and consisted of only a person poking my arm. For some reason I, at the time, found this terrifying and woke up. Dreams are downright strange sometimes...
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Dreams you've had

18 Dec 2016 21:52

The strangest dream I've ever had was where I decided to go to sleep and I woke up.
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Dreams you've had

18 Dec 2016 22:06

The strangest dream I've ever had was where I decided to go to sleep and I woke up.
Oh yeah, I've had that one too. But the weirdest dream I had was a few years ago and it mostly consisted of this
"Space is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist, but that's just peanuts to space." - Douglas Adams
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Dreams you've had

04 Jan 2017 18:39

Yesterday I dreamed about navigating a apartment complex through a series of holes in the walls. They appeared to have been made by the occupants of the apartments, and they were narrow and rectangular in shape. Apparently these holes functioned as do-it-yourself air vents. At least, that's what I referred to them as during the dream.
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Dreams you've had

05 Jan 2017 00:24

This morning I woke up from a dream I cannot recall, but I can distinctly remember seeing remnants of the dream world overlaid on the walls of my bedroom.  It was pretty surreal and caused me a lot of disorientation for a moment.

Dreams are weird. :p
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Dreams you've had

05 Jan 2017 04:09

Sounds like you had one of them fancy waking dreams or a touch of sleep paralysis.  
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Dreams you've had

08 Jan 2017 18:02

This morning I woke up from a dream I cannot recall, but I can distinctly remember seeing remnants of the dream world overlaid on the walls of my bedroom.  It was pretty surreal and caused me a lot of disorientation for a moment.

Dreams are weird. :p
Something kinda like that happened to me a few months ago. One morning I awoke to an extremely loud alarm sound in my ears. I was already sitting upright, and I felt like someone was shaking me even though I wasn't moving. I was staring straight at some white, unshadowed object at the other side of my room. I wear glasses, so I couldn't see it perfectly. Weird thing was, when this ended a few seconds later I didn't feel scared at all, when I should've been absolutely terrified. :o
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Dreams you've had

08 Jan 2017 18:36

I had a dream hat one of the moons of Neptune (Triton) was on a collision course with Earth. I've had this sort of dream several times. In the dream I remember everyone leaving my school on buses and I had to drive a bus but we all knew our fates that we would die once Triton hit. We were trying to buy time. But I somehow ended up at my friends house, before she moved in 2015 and it was abandoned and for some reason I found her and I hugged her. Don't remember much of what happened after that.
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Dreams you've had

15 Jan 2017 18:43

Sounds like you had one of them fancy waking dreams or a touch of sleep paralysis.  
Oh god, I've had my brush with that. SP can be as awesome as it can be terrifying. Same goes for lucid dreaming. Lately I've been more subconscious of my dreams. I remember segments during the day time. Whatever it is I'm dreaming, I'm tense at night. Just this morning I woke up startled around 4, mind still out of it in a dream-like state. After a few minutes I asked myself, "Why am I awake?" and went back to sleep.
Life with ADHD and vivid dreams 8-)
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Dreams you've had

15 Jan 2017 22:54

Yesterday I watched The Eagle Huntress.  At night I dreamed of being able to call eagles to me by shouting "HOUUUKAAA!", and it was amazing and adorable. :3
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Dreams you've had

16 Jan 2017 08:42

Had a dream I was fighting off burglars and after the cops came everything quieted down.  I decided to go to sleep, inside my dream, then next thing I know I feel a pain in my lower left side and I "wake up" in the dream and there is a masked person sitting next to me, says "thought you would get away with it huh, not gonna happen" followed by a hit to the face from the butt of a gun.  Suffice to say I woke up pretty quick and realized the pain in my left side was my own hand pinching.

When I went back to sleep I had a dream I was walking home from the college I used to go to.  Some random girl asked me random questions about stuff, we were going through pictures on our phones, she wanted to see creepy pictures I had taken, so we walked passed the street my apartment was on.  She wanted me to walk her home as the route she took was supposedly creepy and I figured I could always Uber it back if I didn't want to walk. 

We got to a dirt road and continued walking, we met up with 3 other people, and they were heading the same way.  Down the dirt path things got strange as everything went quiet and we stumbled upon 3 shallow holes that were filled with dirt and then one that was not filled yet.  Inside the hole was a body, eyes open, orange skin, 2 to 3ft tall but looked like an adult, it had long blonde hair to it's shoulders, pulled back upper lip exposing the teeth, and wide petrified looking eyes.  We looked around and saw nothing and decided to try and call someone, phones were dead, behind us the path had changed and only stretched on for miles into woods we never walked through.  We decided the only smart move was to continue following the path, we reached the end that ran into a broken fence and a road, on the fence was a sign saying "dead end" but you could just walk around it. 

The moment someone decided to go around it, the world shifted, more like it looked the same but wasn't as creepy, back to what it should have been.  I turned around to ask the girl what direction we go next, but she was gone.  There was no way I was going to walk back down the dirt path so I decided to cross the street after the cars slowed down.  I ended up in a fairly dumpy looking neighborhood, lots of people in the gravel streets, trailers and suburban homes with their garages open and people just having parties, and getting random salutes from people. 

I pulled out my phone to try and call up an Uber, but there was no service, however the moment I pulled my phone out everything went quiet again.  I looked around the area and there was no one, no birds, no wind, just empty neighborhood.  Last thing I remember after that point was a voice saying "We looked everywhere for you but you never showed up, by the time we found you there was nothing we could do" then the world increased in brightness, I saw a flash of bright light, and I woke up.
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Dreams you've had

16 Jan 2017 09:13

everyone dream about crazy stuff and here i am dreaming about me tickling crocodile on his neck.
but i do remember now one crazy dream that i had 2 months ago.
i remember myself in my house reading the news. on the news they said that a second moon appeard in the sky.
i went to my balcony and sat there for hours, i remember the sun start to get down in the horizon, then somehow the second moon disappeard and only 1 big moon was left. it got brighter and brighter and start to get cracked with lava etc, then it exploded and all my family suddenly was next to me in the balcony and that was the end of the world lets say and i woke up
"man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore"
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Dreams you've had

16 Jan 2017 13:42

once had a dream where i woke up, but everything was foggy. i ignored that it was foggy and continued my daily routine. got in a skype call with my friends and some odd contact joined. we ignored it and continued talking until the contact started playing an ear-piercing high pitched screech through the microphone that pretty much paralyzed dream-me. i managed to get my headphones off but still had a hard time moving. i went upstairs and into my room to find that my floor had a massive hole in it that i somehow managed to not fall through when waking up. i went back to the stairwell, looked down it and said that i was dreaming. at this point everything around me started "disintegrating" into block-shaped parts of emptiness. you know that sound that happens when you turn off an old tv? the "pew" sound? that's what i heard along with the visual of everything going down into a white spot into the centre of my vision. i woke up with the image of the disintegrating stairwell around me burned into my vision (like when you look into a bright light) for about 5 minutes. my heart was beating very hard and very fast as well. this is the most memorable dream i have ever had and can point out small details from it even.
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Dreams you've had

16 Jan 2017 20:51

Yesterday I dreamed about a book that literally emitted fire and steam. It was a bit difficult to turn the pages with all that in the way. I have no idea why the fire was there. It had no relevance to the actual text, even though the characters in my dream treated it as if it were an ordinary illustration.
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