I think my love for Space started once I realized what my grandfather did for a living. He put people IN space! He was a machinist for NASA and was involved with many projects. One I remember quite well was the issue of heat tiles falling off the Space Shuttle. He solved that problem. He was my hero!
I realized I was extremely interested in Physical Science when I was around 15 years old, thanks to a wonderful science teacher, Mr Cornwell, that made it enjoyable and would not let us slide through class without actually understanding what it was we were learning. Other subjects like spelling and history seemed subjective to me. lol My love for the stars and planets began around the time our class was observing Haley's comet. The greenness of what I saw intrigued me.
Later in life I persued an Architectural education and career path thanks to my mother's nagging, and because as a kid earlier, I had spent many hours late at night drawing castles and dungeons and wilderness topographies for RPGs I was obsessed with. So, now I dig ditches and kiss butt for a living but my free time is spent on the computer enjoying virtual worlds of fiction or fantasy, or dreaming about exploring more of the real world.
Luckily as a kid, I also had the chance to travel alot and see most cultures and countries up close and personal, from Stonehenge to Giza, to the Colossus of Rhodes, to the Great Wall or the frozen ocean around Linengrad, or panning for gold in New Zealand. Dad was an engineer for an oil company and thank goodness, also appreciated history and travel. My dad also introduced me to Captain Kirk (my first fish's name) & Spock and Flash Gordan and salty popcorn. He took me to see the original Star Wars 6 times!!
My love and appreciation for the world and human nature really became a part of my essence. I married a beautiful black woman and love the rich culture our two worlds can bring to the table. She lets me spend hours at a time on the computer creating the things I love to imagine. I've created custom content for users to download on many software "games" from Unreal Tournament maps to SIM CITY landscapes to Never Winter Nights adventures and 3D model skins, as well as content for Celestia.
I met a nice chap online when I was asking around about gravity and how to calculate the minimum mass I could stand on, yet jump off of and not return to. (Phobos would make a nice site for future Olympic Games). Professionally he is a planet hunter. He introduced me to Universe Sandbox (boring!) and to Space Engine (life changer!). Even though SE lacks gravity and time, I really fell in love with it. I think it's been two years since I ran across it, and spend at least 2 or 3 nights a week piddling around on it.
Long Live SE!!!
Me watching men walk on the moon (Apollo 15).

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My grandfather "Rocky" crouching at wheel, with his team at NASA with the first test model of the Space Shuttle.

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Papaw (wearing shorts & socks hiked up, in the front) taking the CEV CM out for a spin with his buddies at NASA.
BTW, there are NO aliens out there.
CPU: AMD FX-8350 8 core processor 4GHz / GPU: GeForce GT 730 @ 1920x1080, 60Hz with 1GB adapter RAM / RAM: Patriot Signature 4GB 1600MHz 240-Pin DDR3 (only 2GB work, don't buy it) / Motherboard: MSI 970 Gaming MS-7693