After many hours of playing around with this mind boggling, amazing program, I have come to notice that it is not too hard (by using spaceship mode, for example) to reach the physical limit where all generated objects just cease to exist past a certain bound. This lead me to wonder...
How hard, in terms of programming, would it be to implement (if only to accentuate the feeling of true, unbound, infiniteness) some sort of closed, flat manifold universe (such as a 3-torus universe) in which the generation happens inside a cube where its opposite faces are "glued together" in a way that allows for movement in a direction that leads you back to the point where you started. That way one would be able to indefinitely traverse space, even accelerate in it, without ever reaching an end and without any plausible chance of ever randomly coming back to the same object twice, given the already impossible to comprehend scale of the model.
I truly admire the work that has gone into this project, and all of the profound experiences it has allowed me to go through. Can't thank you enough for all of it.
Sincerely, a BIG fan.
I totally agree with your idea!
Actually it have been discussed ages ago in the forum and the main programmer had planned it:
• A closed universe or a universe with a domain structure
You can take a look at the
to-do list to see all the features that are planned. Unfortunately I think it has quite a low priority compared to other features