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Re: General suggestions for SpaceEngine

14 May 2022 17:59

MSAA and FXAA are abbreviations for Multisampling Anti-aliasing and Fast Approximate Anti-aliasing. In SE's graphics settings, they are named MSAA antialiasing and FXAA antialiasing, where "anti-aliasing" appears twice (AA and antialiasing). In other games (e.g. Red Dead Redemption 2), these anti-aliasing options do not have the extra "antialiasing" in their names. Currently, the anti-aliasing option is named with the extra "antialiasing" (different words for different languages, but the meaning is the same) in all the languages built into SE.

I suggest removing the extra "antialiasing" or using the full name of the anti-aliasing technique.
Saying the full thing would be cumbersome and saying just the abbreviation may confuse some. This was likely done on purpose to avoid the former two scenarios.
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Re: General suggestions for SpaceEngine

18 Jul 2022 13:37

It would nice to have an option for coordinates and time to be printed onto pictures.  Maybe even as a QR code.
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Re: General suggestions for SpaceEngine

25 Jul 2022 14:59

It would nice to have an option for coordinates and time to be printed onto pictures.  Maybe even as a QR code.
Isn't it already possible to export saved locations?
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Flat closed universe

09 Aug 2022 15:53

After many hours of playing around with this mind boggling, amazing program, I have come to notice that it is not too hard (by using spaceship mode, for example) to reach the physical limit where all generated objects just cease to exist past a certain bound. This lead me to wonder...

How hard, in terms of programming, would it be to implement (if only to accentuate the feeling of true, unbound, infiniteness) some sort of closed, flat manifold universe (such as a 3-torus universe) in which the generation happens inside a cube where its opposite faces are "glued together" in a way that allows for movement in a direction that leads you back to the point where you started. That way one would be able to indefinitely traverse space, even accelerate in it, without ever reaching an end and without any plausible chance of ever randomly coming back to the same object twice, given the already impossible to comprehend scale of the model.

I truly admire the work that has gone into this project, and all of the profound experiences it has allowed me to go through. Can't thank you enough for all of it.

Sincerely, a BIG fan.
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Re: General suggestions for SpaceEngine

10 Aug 2022 03:52

wow I would love that idea to be implemented, as that is actually how I view the universe to be, infinite but bounded!
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Re: General suggestions for SpaceEngine

22 Aug 2022 11:45

Allow for high-resolution cubemaps of planet surfaces, is what I propose. Extremely high-resolution cubemaps of star clusters or from orbit above a planet have been possible for me, but not from the surface. I made 16 megapixel (4x4) and 4 megapixel (2x2) cubemaps, however they both fail when seen from the surface of a planet. If possible, what programme can I use to merge the cubemaps into a single 3D picture?
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Re: General suggestions for SpaceEngine

31 Aug 2022 23:28

Also we seem to have an option i visual styles before where we could set star trail length or something like that so when traveling at high velocities through galaxies the stars would streak like hyperspace, this was a good effect, have I missed something as I cannot seem to set this anymore.
There was never an option for that in the GUI, only as a console command.
Could we also have the Velocity Vector and Selection Pointer available in Flight Simulation mode.
It seems when you free yourself from a space craft the selections to turn them on in the tool bar do not work.
Selection pointer works fine for me, but yes it seems that velocity vector does not. It's probably a bug.
G'day Harbinger Dawn

Just a follow up on this Velocity Vector issue in simulation mode, has this been something mentioned to the developer as a possible bug for a possible fix?
Thanks again in advance for your time I hope this is not a big problem.

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Re: Flat closed universe

02 Sep 2022 04:53

After many hours of playing around with this mind boggling, amazing program, I have come to notice that it is not too hard (by using spaceship mode, for example) to reach the physical limit where all generated objects just cease to exist past a certain bound. This lead me to wonder...

How hard, in terms of programming, would it be to implement (if only to accentuate the feeling of true, unbound, infiniteness) some sort of closed, flat manifold universe (such as a 3-torus universe) in which the generation happens inside a cube where its opposite faces are "glued together" in a way that allows for movement in a direction that leads you back to the point where you started. That way one would be able to indefinitely traverse space, even accelerate in it, without ever reaching an end and without any plausible chance of ever randomly coming back to the same object twice, given the already impossible to comprehend scale of the model.

I truly admire the work that has gone into this project, and all of the profound experiences it has allowed me to go through. Can't thank you enough for all of it.

Sincerely, a BIG fan.
I totally agree with your idea!
Actually it have been discussed ages ago in the forum and the main programmer had planned it:
• A closed universe or a universe with a domain structure
You can take a look at the to-do list to see all the features that are planned. Unfortunately I think it has quite a low priority compared to other features  :meh:
The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human ambition.

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Re: General suggestions for SpaceEngine

06 Sep 2022 08:07

Enable high resolution cubemaps of planet surfaces is an idea I have. I've been able to create very high resolution cubemaps of star clusters or objects orbiting planets, but not those of planets' surfaces. I created cubemaps with both 4 and 16 megapixels, however they won't function when viewed from a planet's surface. Is there a way to fix this? What programme can I use to integrate the cubemaps into one immersive image, furthermore?
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Re: General suggestions for SpaceEngine

13 Sep 2022 18:12

Selection pointer works fine for me, but yes it seems that velocity vector does not. It's probably a bug.

Just a follow up on this Velocity Vector issue in simulation mode, has this been something mentioned to the developer as a possible bug for a possible fix?

It's on the to-do list, when it's fixed it will be mentioned in an update changelog.
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wormholes for procedural generation

25 Sep 2022 19:00

can you add wormholes to procedural generation if you don't add it because it is unrealistic make it optional in the main-user.cfg and they will spawn in orbit around planets/stars about half of them will be orbiting stars and half of them orbiting planets also you can travel across the universe in them
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Re: General suggestions for SpaceEngine

08 Nov 2022 15:16

would it be possible to view in the solar system browser, as happens for wormholes, also the stations and ground structures added to the catalog?

I am preparing a mod with various star systems each with stations and cities and it would be nice to be able to view them like this instead of in a long list in the spacecraft manager...
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Re: General suggestions for SpaceEngine

08 Nov 2022 22:14

I have a few suggestions for VR:
  - A virtual keyboard so that if you're standing up or away from your computer then you can search for objects, change search radius of star browser, use console, etc. without leaving VR.
  - Having one UI that either rotates with the player's head or follows a controller. This can be changed in the settings.
  - The floor level of the guardian/chaperone in VR would be used in SpaceEngine so that the virtual ground lines up with the real ground.
  - Something like a telescope for looking at distant objects. You can change the zoom power of the telescope and set it to track a given object.
  - Roomscale support: have the in-game player and menus move with the real life player.
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Re: General suggestions for SpaceEngine

22 Nov 2022 14:58

  - Something like a telescope for looking at distant objects. You can change the zoom power of the telescope and set it to track a given object.
im pretty sure thats in SE by default so i dont know why it wouldnt be in the VR version
Tell me, Dr. Freeman, if you can. You have destroyed so much. What is it, exactly, that you have created? Can you name even one thing? I thought not.
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Re: General suggestions for SpaceEngine

05 Dec 2022 03:05

a very big issue with constellations in 0.990 is that the constellation boundaries are rendered in a very deep blue colour, which is an eye-sore since it is hard to see them properly against the black background of space. using a colour palette more akin to the red and turquoise one celestia uses for its constellations (screenshot attached) would definitely work much better

Tell me, Dr. Freeman, if you can. You have destroyed so much. What is it, exactly, that you have created? Can you name even one thing? I thought not.

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