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Sci-Fi (and other genre) Movies & TV Series

07 Mar 2017 05:50

Post your favorite Sci-Fi movies & TV series (and other genre) here.

I liked many, too numerous to mention but yesterday I watched Passengers and I have to say I got chills. I didn't expect to like it that much. I almost shed tears at certain moments.
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Sci-Fi (and other genre) Movies & TV Series

07 Mar 2017 05:58

Star Trek, all of them really but Voyager the least, and Stargate are two shows every sci-fi fan should watch.
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Sci-Fi (and other genre) Movies & TV Series

07 Mar 2017 08:12


I'm not a big Star Trek fan, but I love all the episodes with Q and with Guinan.

In Stargate I also do not like everything, but some episodes I find quite good.

Farscape. It's on TV right now.

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Sci-Fi (and other genre) Movies & TV Series

07 Mar 2017 08:37

I was about to come in and mention "Passengers" myself. It seems rather divisive among critics, but if you're a sci-fi buff like... basically everyone in here, you'll probably love it. It reminded me of "Mad Mad: Fury Road" in that it marketed itself as one thing but ended up shining for how much it was something else - in this case, they marketed it as a comedy/romance/adventure and in so doing duped everyone into watching a pretty good hard sci-fi piece (minus the magic engine and the energy shield, but those I can forgive this time).

Needless to say I was also a big fan of "Serenity," so now we've got that one covered ;P

I'd also recommend these:
- "Solaris" (I only saw the recent remake, so that one): A psychologist is sent to evaluate why everyone aboard a research station has either mysteriously died or gone insane, and in the process encounters what I judged to be a Matrioshka Brain.
- "Space Brothers": A businessman loses his job and decides to switch careers and become an astronaut, thus giving the audience a tour de force of the (very near future) nature of astronaut training and space exploration.
- "Arrival": Not what it looks like at all. Aliens arrive on Earth (duh), but in the process of decoding their language the protagonist comes to terms with some disturbing yet deeply empowering revelations about the nature of time.
- "Interstellar" (another obvious one for this crowd. I probably don't even need a description but meh, have one anyway): A mortal man must deal with the cruelly harsh consequences of General Relativity in his desperate effort to find a way to avert humanity's self-inflicted extinction. If nothing else, watch - or rather, listen to - this movie because its soundtrack is a thing of surreal beauty.
- "Battle Angel Alita": A defunct cyborg girl is resurrected by a curious scientist in a grungy cyberpunk dystopia, where she makes use of her unique skills to build a career as a champion of justice, climbing the ladder from vigilante to superheroine. Currently only available as a manga and OVA, but next year a blockbuster movie is planned under the direction of James Cameron and Robert Rodriguez.
- "BLAME!": Another cyberpunk world, in which a lone cyborg wanderer spends his life searching the bowels of a seemingly endless multilayered cityscape for a remnant of the original, unaltered humanity, with which he hopes to regain control of the feral robots controlling the city and thereby save what few people remain. Not an easy read due to its minimal dialogue, but worth the effort for the scale and macabre beauty of the setting. If you have too much trouble, a good alternate option is "Knights of Sidonia" by the same author, Tsutomu Nihei.
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Sci-Fi (and other genre) Movies & TV Series

07 Mar 2017 08:54

The Expanse delivers pretty much THE most realistic space environment and technology ever showed in a TV show. Or on screen ever, save for the very few films like 2001 or The Martian.
No horizontally oriented ships. No BS magical gravity. Ships that turn around to decelerate. Space stations, inside asteroids, uses centrifugal gravity. And have Coriolis effect.

And all that coming from a Sy-Fy Channel, of all people.
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Sci-Fi (and other genre) Movies & TV Series

07 Mar 2017 09:58

"Space Brothers"
The manga it's one of the most interesting depictions of how could it be like being involved in a space program (Is that correct, right? Sorry, hard to translate for me). NEEMO training, NBL training, flight training, there's _everything_. Characters are well thought, funny yet serious when it counts. Precision in drawings shows a lot of study behind. Definitely one of my favorites of all times, I'd recommend it to space/sci-fi enthusiasts.
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Sci-Fi (and other genre) Movies & TV Series

12 Mar 2017 16:47

Stargate - original film + TV shows (SG-1 is the best :)), Star Wars saga, The 100 with sexy Eliza Taylor and Marie Avgeropoulos (third season is really great) :)
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Sci-Fi (and other genre) Movies & TV Series

12 Mar 2017 19:52

I've got to second the praise for The Expanse.

It's literally made for this crowd. If you like SE or Space Engineers or anything involving a realistic depiction of space and space travel, you are doing yourself a disservice if you're not watching The Expanse.

Here's what a course-change looks like in The Expanse:


That's altering course during a cruise between Saturn and Ceres. The respect the show has for acceleration and inertia is unprecedented, and I love it.
EDIT: I should note, the only reason the people are able to walk around in the beginning of that scene is because there are high-efficiency fusion engines burning most of the time to provide some level of g-force and shorten interplanetary travel times to days and weeks. The fact that such engines would need insane exhaust velocities to be so efficient is not ignored./EDIT

The best part is that the VFX crew, Authors of the books, writers and producers are all active redditors, and are always looking for feedback to make things better. Great show, great bunch of people making it.
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Sci-Fi (and other genre) Movies & TV Series

12 Mar 2017 21:46

The books are also worth reading or listening to.
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Sci-Fi (and other genre) Movies & TV Series

12 Jul 2018 10:50

Nobody has mentioned Star wars yet? Okay I'll say Star Wars - although I have not watched 'em in a long while and have since seen better sci-fi on the screen, the originals like Last Hope, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi sparked my interest in space and alien life- nothing after that except maybe Attack of the Clones. For some reason I like AotC. Incidentally -  what does this forum think of the new Star Wars movies? 
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Sci-Fi (and other genre) Movies & TV Series

19 Jul 2018 13:39

Europa Report (low budget, but really realistic relative to most sci-fi!)
Star Wars (original trilogy and prequels only, plus maybe Rogue One, the new movies are bad)
Alien 1 & 2, Prometheus
Sunshine (really unique, not good reviews, loved it anyway)
Independence Day

Stranger Things
Star Trek, Next Generation, Voyager, Deep Space 9. Didn't like Enterprise.
Firefly (very cheesy in my opinion, but still a lot of fun)
The remake of Battlestar Galactica (space fighter physics was SO much better than most sci-fi!)
Star Wars: Clone Wars (after season 1 & a bit into 2 it gets really good)
Black Mirror Season 4 Episode 1 (hope they make a spin-off series!)

I need to get into the Expanse, I'm a big fan of realistic sci-fi.
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Sci-Fi (and other genre) Movies & TV Series

04 Aug 2018 19:34

i don't believe anyone here has heard of final space

it's a sci-fi cartoon.

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Sci-Fi (and other genre) Movies & TV Series

17 Sep 2018 05:48

Really? Then I am definitely adding this to my watch list. I just have to finish shows by Andy Yeatman because my kids watch it every weekend and find his shows amazingly interesting, I would want to finish them first. Thanks for sharing this post though. Got to know about him at https://angel.co/long-view-media-group.
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Sci-Fi (and other genre) Movies & TV Series

21 Sep 2018 10:29

Stargate since childhood, I like all the movies and series, including SGU.

I haven't seen much of TOS, but I like Star Trek in general, with DS9 being the best in my opinion.

Regarding Star Wars, both originals and prequels occasionally make me want to re-watch again and again :) but I harshly dislike Farce Awakens and Last Jedi. Rogue one and Solo were watchable. I like Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series, too bad it was cut short without having a proper conclusion.

Marvel Cinematic Universe, especially Guardians of the Galaxy story arc and Doctor Strange.
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Sci-Fi (and other genre) Movies & TV Series

21 Sep 2018 23:02

but I harshly dislike Farce Awakens and Last Jedi. Rogue one and Solo were watchable. I like Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series, too bad it was cut short without having a proper conclusion.
I'm glad somebody shares the same sentiments as me 8-).
Futurum Fusionem

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