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Forms for celestial bodies

Posted: 06 Jan 2017 04:34
by Quarior
Nobody else to create another shape other than sphere and cube in Space Engine for planets, moons, ... even if it's unrealistic but can serve for "asteroids" that are placed on planets to represent monuments for example.
Otherwise, here my Formyas system who collects all possible forms that can be done, but I have not managed to make the pyramid, if anyone can help, thank you for publishing it..
For now, it has the shape of star, a cube, a flat sphere and an "inverted" world (just a black bump map), a hourglass as well as the famous pyramid and a form unknow.
The pak, "depak" (or rename and dezip) to edit files. You can put in addons folders, the system Formyas are work.
(498.32 KiB) Downloaded 711 times
Pyramids (with clouds and atmosphere).jpg
"Pyramids" (with clouds and atmosphere)
Pyramids (without clouds and atmosphere).jpg
"Pyramids" (without clouds and atmosphere)
Formyas 3.D1.D1.jpg
Formyas 3.D1.D1 (I don't know the name of this form)
I tried ringworld but don't work properly.
Thanks for help and share your forms here.
I would like disc but with  
Oblateness 0
for the disc have atmosphere but spheric (like a dome view on the planet) :
Disc with atmosphere spheric.png
Schema of the disc with atmosphere spheric
Disc with atmosphere spheric.png (10.36 KiB) Viewed 9859 times

Re: Forms for celestial bodies

Posted: 29 Sep 2024 07:51
by Tangut

Re: Forms for celestial bodies

Posted: 11 Oct 2024 02:30
by Chither
Wow. I am very impressed with these planets.

Re: Forms for celestial bodies

Posted: 23 Oct 2024 23:50
by ramiroelliot
this planet is beautiful thank you for sharing!