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Re: Help with creating Mods and Addons

03 Mar 2024 08:29

Hi, I'm new on space engine and I found how to create and link wormholes, but it only works for object in the solar system. When I want to link a wormhole to an another system he didn't work and I don't know why :/
I copy-pasted your script as it is in a .sc file, placed into an addons > catalogs > planets folder and it works correctly.
Here attached the resulting file.
 A new user here, it might be a stupid question but i cant find the addons > catalogs > planets folder  in my directory. Is it a space engine pro version only?
Screenshot (152).png
cannot find addons > catalogs > planets
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Re: Help with creating Mods and Addons

03 Mar 2024 08:42

Hi, I'm new on space engine and I found how to create and link wormholes, but it only works for object in the solar system. When I want to link a wormhole to an another system he didn't work and I don't know why :/
hi man, im in a similar boat as you, what tutorial did you follow to create and link wormholes?
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Re: Help with creating Mods and Addons

03 Mar 2024 09:54

 A new user here, it might be a stupid question but i cant find the addons > catalogs > planets folder  in my directory. Is it a space engine pro version only?
Hi, in the manual https://spaceengine.org/manual/user-manual/ there's a chapter that explains how the addons folder works, it's a must-read if you want to use scripting to create or modify planets, stars, ships, etc... The shorter version of it, if a needed folder is missing under addons, you'll have to create it manually.
As for how to create wormholes, what I posted can be used as an example or an How-To, and you can refer to https://spaceengine.org/manual/making-a ... g-a-planet and https://spaceengine.org/manual/making-a ... ng-a-star/ for the common tags used in the above scripts.
"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so". Douglas N. Adams
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Re: Help with creating Mods and Addons

07 Mar 2024 06:09

 A new user here, it might be a stupid question but i cant find the addons > catalogs > planets folder  in my directory. Is it a space engine pro version only?
Hi, in the manual https://spaceengine.org/manual/user-manual/ there's a chapter that explains how the addons folder works, it's a must-read if you want to use scripting to create or modify planets, stars, ships, etc... The shorter version of it, if a needed folder is missing under addons, you'll have to create it manually.
As for how to create wormholes, what I posted can be used as an example or an How-To, and you can refer to https://spaceengine.org/manual/making-a ... g-a-planet and https://spaceengine.org/manual/making-a ... ng-a-star/ for the common tags used in the above scripts.
Hi, it works now thanks!
Im struggling to locate one of the wormhole within the solar system (saturn) and one away at another location(horsehead nebulae). Well, i changed the RA and Dec and distance from the sun values to the current time within the .sc file and the wormhole never ends up at this location. What do i do?
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Re: Help with creating Mods and Addons

07 Mar 2024 15:22

I guess the wormhole is orbiting around Saturn, with ParentBody "Saturn"? Maybe it's named "Saturn wormhole"? Then it should be available with the Find Object tool (F3) with that name.
The Horsehead nebula, being not a catalogued star but, well, a nebula, can't have an object orbiting around it as a ParentBody.
I'm sorry but it's not clear to me if you have placed a star near the nebula.
May I see your scripts for the stars folder and for the planets folder?
"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so". Douglas N. Adams
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Re: Help with creating Mods and Addons

08 Mar 2024 16:03

I guess the wormhole is orbiting around Saturn, with ParentBody "Saturn"? Maybe it's named "Saturn wormhole"? Then it should be available with the Find Object tool (F3) with that name.
The Horsehead nebula, being not a catalogued star but, well, a nebula, can't have an object orbiting around it as a ParentBody.
I'm sorry but it's not clear to me if you have placed a star near the nebula.
May I see your scripts for the stars folder and for the planets folder?
Here it is. its pretty much unchanged from the files you attached above, with only the RA, Dec and Dist values changed. Perhaps, do you suggest another visually appealing nebulae?
(603 Bytes) Downloaded 75 times
(278 Bytes) Downloaded 74 times
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Re: Help with creating Mods and Addons

15 Apr 2024 07:30

Hello there, how exactly do you add texture/cloud colors into the SC file? I've been trying to maintain cloud colors for an add-on that I plan on releasing eventually!
Here's a sneak peek:Image
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Re: Help with creating Mods and Addons

15 Apr 2024 09:45

Hello there, how exactly do you add texture/cloud colors into the SC file? I've been trying to maintain cloud colors for an add-on that I plan on releasing eventually!
The manual here https://spaceengine.org/manual/making-a ... t-textures explains the use of the Cubemap utility to create cubemap textures. it's used for cloud textures too, not necessarily as greyscale values. If you look at the script for the Solar System, which is in data\catalogs\Catalogs.pak\planets\SolarSys.sc, you can see an example for Venus:
		// Surface map author: John van Vliet
		DiffMap        "Venus/Surface-JVV"
		DiffMapAlpha   "None"

		// Elevation map author: Vladimir Romanyuk "SpaceEngineer"
		BumpMap        "Venus/Bump-SE"
		BumpHeight      13.7
		BumpOffset      2.9

		// Flip the map by 180°
		FlipMap         true
		ModulateColor  (1.0 0.84 0.70)

		// Surface map author: "Snowfall"
		DiffMap        "Venus/Clouds-SF"
		DiffMapAlpha   "None"

		// Flip the map by 180°
		FlipMap         true

		ModulateColor  (1.0 1.0 1.0)
		Hapke           0
		Height          50
		Velocity        264 // km/h
Where even for the Clouds command there is ModulateColor ( r g b ) (from the manual: scale (multiply) the RGB and Alpha colors of the Diff texture by this value.), meaning that you can fine-tune the color of the texture.
ModulateColor can be used even on procedural clouds.
"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so". Douglas N. Adams
| My mods: http://forum.spaceengine.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=80 | My specs: Asus x555ub - cpu i5-6200u, ram 12gb, gpu nvidia geforce 940m 2gb vram |
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Re: Help with creating Mods and Addons

16 Apr 2024 14:02

The manual here https://spaceengine.org/manual/making-a ... t-textures explains the use of the Cubemap utility to create cubemap textures. it's used for cloud textures too, not necessarily as greyscale values. If you look at the script for the Solar System, which is in data\catalogs\Catalogs.pak\planets\SolarSys.sc, you can see an example for Venus:
		// Surface map author: John van Vliet
		DiffMap        "Venus/Surface-JVV"
		DiffMapAlpha   "None"

		// Elevation map author: Vladimir Romanyuk "SpaceEngineer"
		BumpMap        "Venus/Bump-SE"
		BumpHeight      13.7
		BumpOffset      2.9

		// Flip the map by 180°
		FlipMap         true
		ModulateColor  (1.0 0.84 0.70)

		// Surface map author: "Snowfall"
		DiffMap        "Venus/Clouds-SF"
		DiffMapAlpha   "None"

		// Flip the map by 180°
		FlipMap         true

		ModulateColor  (1.0 1.0 1.0)
		Hapke           0
		Height          50
		Velocity        264 // km/h
Where even for the Clouds command there is ModulateColor ( r g b ) (from the manual: scale (multiply) the RGB and Alpha colors of the Diff texture by this value.), meaning that you can fine-tune the color of the texture.
ModulateColor can be used even on procedural clouds.
Thank you lots! I guess I should have taken a better look at the help page, but this works for me
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Re: Help with creating Mods and Addons

29 Sep 2024 08:08

New to Space Engine and scripting. I have read the tutorials about how to create new objects and followed the instructions in the tutorial to the letter. However the star "Mono" does not appear in the F3 option in game. I am obviously do something wrong can anyone help a newbee ? 
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Re: Help with creating Mods and Addons

19 Nov 2024 20:12

Does anyone know a way to add lava to a planet? I heard lava was not implemented in the game but is there any other way? Because I got a addon that modified 55 cnc e/Janssen along with the other planets but didn't show any lava on it at all, and i've seen some palette addons that seem to have lava on some of the palettes, is there a way I can do that for the planet i'm trying to modify?


55 Cnc e but I removed the atmosphere and clouds
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Re: Help with creating Mods and Addons

25 Jan 2025 03:10

Hi, i have a problem with the space engine language script, i dowloaded sublime text 3 and i extracted it where it said to , i use visual studio code to script but i didnt find the extension/syntax, can someone help me
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Re: Help with creating Mods and Addons

26 Jan 2025 13:39

If you're referring to a guide on Steam on how to add syntax highlighting for SpaceEngine scripts in Sublime Text 3 (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/ ... 1776898176), you can add a comment to the end of the guide, hopefully the extension creator will step in.
As for Visual Studio code, there is an extension available in the extensions marketplace from within the program, made by another modder, just by searching for "space" should appear in the list
"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so". Douglas N. Adams
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Re: Help with creating Mods and Addons

04 Feb 2025 06:59

Злравствуйте. Я плохо разбираюсь в модах. И прошу совета. Можно ли каким-то простым модом взять несколько обьектов и медленно летать от одного к другому в случайном порядке?
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Re: Help with creating Mods and Addons

05 Feb 2025 08:37

Злравствуйте. Я плохо разбираюсь в модах. И прошу совета. Можно ли каким-то простым модом взять несколько обьектов и медленно летать от одного к другому в случайном порядке?
From Google translator:
Hello. I don't understand mods very well. And I ask for advice. Is it possible to take several objects with some simple mod and slowly fly from one to another in random order?
I can only think of an external program that somehow gets a list of objects and creates a script for the camera to do that. To get the name of objects in a simple way, that's the hard part as I see it. The log exposes the name of a parent star or a barycenter when you select an object, as the program creates that system on the fly, but says nothing about the actual object in the log, if I remember correctly. And that's exactly where I'm stuck with my scribbles.

There is also Space Exploration Bot, a really clever program https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/ ... 2689038344, with some caveats
"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so". Douglas N. Adams
| My mods: http://forum.spaceengine.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=80 | My specs: Asus x555ub - cpu i5-6200u, ram 12gb, gpu nvidia geforce 940m 2gb vram |

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