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Re: Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine 0.990

09 Jan 2025 07:55

您好,我在手册脚本的“接口命令”部分看到了这样一条语句:“消息文本支持 BBCode:您可以更改颜色、字体、大小、使用下标和上标、特殊符号。有关详细信息,请参阅附录中的 BBCode 表。”但是,我找不到上述包含有关 BBCode 信息的附录。您能告诉我在哪里解释这一点吗?谢谢!
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Re: Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine 0.990

09 Jan 2025 09:00

您好,我在手册脚本的“接口命令”部分看到了这样一条语句:“消息文本支持 BBCode:您可以更改颜色、字体、大小、使用下标和上标、特殊符号。有关详细信息,请参阅附录中的 BBCode 表。”但是,我找不到上述包含有关 BBCode 信息的附录。您能告诉我在哪里解释这一点吗?谢谢!
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Hello, I saw this statement in the "Interface Commands" section of the manual script: "Message text supports BBCode: you can change color, font, size, use subscripts and superscripts, special symbols. For more information, see the BBCode table in the appendix." However, I can't find the above appendix containing information about BBCode. Can you tell me where this is explained? Thank you!
Oops, it seems that text is referencing a part of the manual which was available back in the old website.
That part is available in a PDF version of the manual you can download here:
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 Despite being updated in 2019 it's still up-to-date.
For convenience, I'll attach here the part related to BBCode.
Space Engine User Manual - Vladimir Romanyuk-A4_163.pdf
(80.8 KiB) Downloaded 4 times
"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so". Douglas N. Adams
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Re: Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine 0.990

09 Jan 2025 09:30

Hi i`m new here and i have a Problem with my coding. can someone help me? i try too make a short Video were we start at a boten of earht and go too the dark site of the moon rotate the moon too the light site here is my code what done i wong? and sorry i do not much coding and pc stuff. Thanks for someons help.

Select {moon}
wait 2.0
wait 2.0
goto {
time 20.0 
deceltime 5.0 
wait 2.0
orbit { time 30.0}
Sorry for the late response. Judging from the errors on the syntax of the script, I'd say you asked some IA model to create a script for you. That doesn't work well, as SE scenario scripts language is not a mainstram programming language. The manual is here: https://spaceengine.org/manual/user-manual/ , and here's a pdf version of the SE manual.
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Making the camera run for half an orbit I would say it involves calculating the needed time, considering that the Orbit{} command will probably need to use custom parameters (which Time is not):
Or­bit { ... } – starts or­bit­ing with cus­tom pa­ram­e­ters pro­vided be­low:
An­gu­lar­Speed 45.0 – or­bit­ing rate in de­grees per sec­ond; de­fault is 10.
Axis (0, 0.707, 0.707) – axis around which or­bit­ing oc­curs; de­fault is (0, 1, 0) – po­lar axis of an ob­ject.
Fade­Time 1.5 – smooth start du­ra­tion in sec­onds; de­fault is 2.
Func "Cu­bic" – smooth start func­tion; de­fault is "Lin­ear", pos­si­ble val­ues: "Lin­ear", "Quadric", "Cu­bic", "Sin".
Dur­ing or­bit­ing, cam­era ori­en­ta­tion changes in that way so the ob­ject re­mains static on the screen. Use the
Goto/Go­toLo­ca­tion/Go­toURL com­mands be­fore this one to set a proper ini­tial ori­en­ta­tion.
Im­por­tant: the next script com­mand will be ex­e­cuted im­me­di­ately af­ter this one. You must fol­low this com­mand
with the Wait com­mand, with some wait time to see the mo­tion ef­fect.
As the manual says, Orbit goes indefinitely, and a Wait command is needed for time, Then a StopOrbit command is used.
Since AngularSpeed is 10 degrees per second, the orbit will have to last around 18 seconds (180 degrees) from side to side plus about 2 seconds which is the default FadeTime parameter.
Can't test it rn but, if using default parameters, something like:
Wait 19

Could work.
The correct sintax for Select is:
Select "Earth|Moon"
"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so". Douglas N. Adams
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Re: Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine 0.990

10 Jan 2025 01:15

Thank you Mosfet. I have another question. Whenever I closely observe a celestial body, the textures of other planets disappear and they turn into blue or black spheres. I can only fix it by restarting the program. Is there a solution to this issue?
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Re: Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine 0.990

10 Jan 2025 01:22

Please ignore up message.

Thank you Mosfet. I have another question. Sometimes, after closely observing a celestial body, the textures of other planets disappear, turning them into blue or black spheres. I can only fix this by restarting the program. Is there a solution to this issue?
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Re: Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine 0.990

10 Jan 2025 02:40

Thank you Mosfet. I have another question. Sometimes, after closely observing a celestial body, the textures of other planets disappear, turning them into blue or black spheres. I can only fix this by restarting the program. Is there a solution to this issue?
Depending on your hardware, it could be caused by too high graphics quality selection, as the graphics card would possibly deplete its video ram memory. Or a different issue, for that we would need to see the se.log, which is in your SpaceEngine\system\ folder.
"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so". Douglas N. Adams
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Re: Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine 0.990

15 Jan 2025 21:36

Thank you, my friend. I am currently looking for a solution to play active 3D content at high resolutions. I’ve tried the side-by-side format with a small home projector and active shutter glasses, and while the results were good, the resolution is halved. I also attempted to use the "Active (shutter)" option under 3D settings, which I believe corresponds to the Frame Sequential 3D format. However, I encountered an error message:
ERROR: Shutter 3D is not supported by your hardware, imitation is used.
After reviewing previous update notes, it seems this feature was designed specifically for NVIDIA's 3D Vision, but since NVIDIA has discontinued 3D Vision, only Quad Buffered Stereo now supports the Frame Sequential format.
I would like to ask the community: under the current 0.990 version, is there any hardware solution that allows the use of the "Active (shutter)" function? If not, I hope the developers can consider adding this support in future updates. Once again, thank you!
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Re: Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine 0.990

18 Jan 2025 16:00

is this alive thread? Some one can to reply me?
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Re: Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine 0.990

18 Jan 2025 16:03

I have a lens glitch. Im starting to see flares what i doidnt should to see Press
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Re: Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine 0.990

23 Jan 2025 17:31

Some galaxies that I go to do not have galactic centers appear. By this, I mean the supermassive black hole and the stars that orbit around it in the simulation do not appear. They are simply missing. This is not universal. Most galaxies I visit do have their centers, but some of them do not. I have made sure that this is not just me going to galaxies without SMBHs, as some of the ones that have this issue are galaxies from the workshop that are supposed to have a SMBH. The only pattern I have found is that any object that in real life is catalogued as a quasar exhibits this issue.
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Re: Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine 0.990

24 Jan 2025 03:40

Some galaxies that I go to do not have galactic centers appear. By this, I mean the supermassive black hole and the stars that orbit around it in the simulation do not appear. They are simply missing. This is not universal. Most galaxies I visit do have their centers, but some of them do not. I have made sure that this is not just me going to galaxies without SMBHs, as some of the ones that have this issue are galaxies from the workshop that are supposed to have a SMBH. The only pattern I have found is that any object that in real life is catalogued as a quasar exhibits this issue.
Because of some limitation of the program, catalogued central black holes can't be placed in the exact center of the galaxy/quasar, like it happens instead with procedural galaxies. this means that if you select a catalogued galaxy and you press Ctrl+G to go to the center of it, you won't reach the black hole. The object will be slightly off center, in astronomical terms. Take QSO 0521-365 for example. You won't see its central black hole when reaching the center, but if you search for the other catalog name of the quasar, PKS 0521-365, you will find "PKS 0521-365 Central Black Hole". If you select that, you'll see that it is in proximity of the galaxy center.

As for galaxies from the workshop, I'll take a look. If modders used a catalog script to describe the galaxy, they should have added a black hole in a star script with the parameter CenterOf and the name of the related galaxy. If they didn't, then that explains why there's no black hole.

Another case is if the galaxy is described in the main NGC-IC catalog, using comma-separated values. Then, assume that we don't have specific info about its central black hole, and the program will generate a procedural black hole in the exact center of it.

By the way, if you want to know in which catalogue a certain object is defined, you can press * NumPad, or Shift-8, to enter in debug mode and look for the line saying "Catalog file" at top-left.
"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so". Douglas N. Adams
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Re: Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine 0.990

24 Jan 2025 03:43

I have a lens glitch. Im starting to see flares what i doidnt should to see Press
Are you sure you're not in photo mode auto or manual? press V until you go in HDR photo mode.
"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so". Douglas N. Adams
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Re: Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine 0.990

03 Feb 2025 13:15

I have a lens glitch. Im starting to see flares what i doidnt should to see Press
Are you sure you're not in photo mode auto or manual? press V until you go in HDR photo mode.
thats what happened 
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Re: Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine 0.990

05 Feb 2025 08:49

I have a lens glitch. Im starting to see flares what i doidnt should to see Press
Are you sure you're not in photo mode auto or manual? press V until you go in HDR photo mode.
thats what happened 
Judging from the line at the top of your screenshot, you are probably using ReShade?  Recently that post-processing program has been known to not work well with SpaceEngine and other OpenGL programs, and there's nothing SE devs can do about it. I would disable or uninstall ReShade from SpaceEngine and see if there are still issues.
"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so". Douglas N. Adams
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