Hello all, as the title suggests, we have launched a Minecraft server for SpaceEngine users.
To join, simply fill out the following forms: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdlEzRKhvsC4vOIY6ByK5HXVlPdXIaPvWZtko56NZI7SbgwZQ/viewform
or leave your username down below, or PM it directly to me.
The server ip is: play.pyneappl.media:25565
Anyone here is free to join, it's a survival (mostly vanilla with plugins) world for now, with future plans of adding a creative world and perhaps a minigames world.
It is highly suggested to join the discord @ discord.gg/spaceengine as a lot of information is directly given on there, such as server restarts, plugins polls, etc. PM @Phunnie#0990 or @Kal#2039 to get access to the minecraft text channel.