Ultimate space simulation software

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Single DLC (35 GB)
7 (15%)
"HD" and "Ultra" DLC (20 GB + 15 GB)
11 (23%)
Per-planet DLC ("Earth" - 11 GB, "Moon" - 4 GB etc)
11 (23%)
Per-planet "HD" and "Ultra" ("Earth HD" - 4 GB, "Earth Ultra" - 7 GB etc)
18 (38%)
Other (please describe)
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New Solar System HD addon

03 May 2019 15:13

So I am preparing updated Solar system HD addon. In was need an update because terrain texture format was changed, tiles are at fxied resolution of 256*256 pixles now. This also mean what single cylindrical textures cannot be used for planet mods now, you have to run them through the Cubemap utility.

Update also includes new textures for some planets and moons. it has a size of 35 GB so far. Some textures will be updated during next days.

The question is, in what form you would like to see this addon on Steam? It will be a free DLC, or several DLCs. Old addon was split in two parts:
  • Solar System HD - includes crisp textures and elevation maps at the most available level of detail. Typically, it was 64k effective resolution (equivalent of 65536*32768 pixels cylindrical texture) for terrestrial planets. Actual format in SE is six cube faces of 16384*16384 pixels.
  • Solar System Ultra - includes additional detail level for some of worlds, at typical resolution of 128k (131072*65536). It was not very crisp, because was made by upscaling of original datasets. For example, Earth's dataset has a resolution of 86400*43200 - it is more than 64k (65536*32768), but less than 128k (131072*65536). SpaceEngine require power-of-two resolution, so original 86k was upscaled to 128k, and became somewhat blurry because of that. But having this additional level still improve visual quality of a planet, so I decided to release it as additional addon. Because of huge amount of data (somewhat useless), this Ultra addon was even bigger than HD addon (28 GB vs 16 GB). My idea what what not everyone will want to download it, because of traffic, download speed or disk space. Am I right, or was it a false expectation? To those who wanted to have only certain planets in HD/Ultra, I uploaded individual pak files to file hosting and provided a direct links on the download page.
So now I want to decide, how to make DLC on Steam. Should it be in the same format HD + Ultra (crisp textures + additional somewhat blurry level)? Or s single huge DLC? Should it be split by planet or set of moons (like, put all Jupiter's satellites into a single DLC "Jupiter system")? Or even split some planet DLC to HD and Ultra? For example, Earth HD textures will be 4 GB in size, while additional Ultra levels - 7 GB. Steam does not allow to download individual files, you can only download a whole DLC. Post your opinion here.
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New Solar System HD addon

03 May 2019 15:50

The option Per-planet "HD" and "Ultra" for me is a good idea for people depend to the size available on their stockage.
Also for people want all HD and/or Ultra if I remember, I see on Steam some DLC are cluster on collections so maybe in one click people can download all DLC in the collection.
Good continuation.
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New Solar System HD addon

25 May 2019 08:06

[quote="Quarior"]The option [i]Per-planet "HD" and "Ultra"[/i] for me is a good idea for people depend to the size available on their stockage.
Also for people want all HD and/or Ultra if I remember, I see on Steam some DLC are cluster on collections so maybe in one click people can download all DLC in the collection.
Good continuation.[/quote]
That's great. People don't have to do boring repeated clicks.
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New Solar System HD addon

26 May 2019 15:02

The option Per-planet "HD" and "Ultra" for me is a good idea for people depend to the size available on their stockage.
Also for people want all HD and/or Ultra if I remember, I see on Steam some DLC are cluster on collections so maybe in one click people can download all DLC in the collection.
Good continuation.
That's great. People don't have to do boring repeated clicks.
Thank for confirmation :).
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New Solar System HD addon

15 Jun 2020 09:25

Hey SpaceEngineer, are you going to update Solar System HD for the new Earth and Pluto maps?
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New Solar System HD addon

16 Jun 2020 10:57

what new maps?
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New Solar System HD addon

18 Jun 2020 00:27

In the 0.990 anniversary special announcement, SpaceEngineer said he was working on some new maps for Earth (adding sea ice) and Pluto (more accurate colours) and adding them when they’re ready.
"I'm sure the universe is full of intelligent life. It's just been too intelligent to come here."
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New Solar System HD addon

18 Jun 2020 17:15

In the 0.990 anniversary special announcement, SpaceEngineer said he was working on some new maps for Earth (adding sea ice) and Pluto (more accurate colours) and adding them when they’re ready.
Oh good, so those should download for me automatically, since I already downloaded all the high res planetary textures when I got .990 (it was over 50 GB!)
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New Solar System HD addon

07 Oct 2021 04:27

I know this has been posted here many times before, but my situation is a bit different so bear with me. I have downloaded Earth Lights and Clouds 64k textures (along with smaller textures for other planets, but that's besides the point) , and after putting them in /addons/ , /addons/SolarSystemHD and /addons/SolarSysHD I can confirm that none of those worked. I have taken screenshots for each one of them and they all looked exactly the same with the base textures. The weird thing is, I can clearly see that the games is loading the addons at launch, but it changes nothing ingame.
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Re: New Solar System HD addon

13 Jan 2025 07:30

Dividing DLC into two main categories: HD (256x256) and Ultra (128k) is simple and intuitive. Players can choose to download DLC that fits their storage capacity and internet speed. This will help you reduce the complexity of management and make it easier for users to understand the difference between quality levels.

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