Hi i`m new here and i have a Problem with my coding. can someone help me? i try too make a short Video were we start at a boten of earht and go too the dark site of the moon rotate the moon too the light site here is my code what done i wong? and sorry i do not much coding and pc stuff. Thanks for someons help.
Select {moon}
wait 2.0
wait 2.0
goto {
time 20.0
deceltime 5.0
wait 2.0
orbit { time 30.0}
Sorry for the late response. Judging from the errors on the syntax of the script, I'd say you asked some IA model to create a script for you. That doesn't work well, as SE scenario scripts language is not a mainstram programming language. The manual is here:
https://spaceengine.org/manual/user-manual/ , and here's a pdf version of the SE manual.
Making the camera run for half an orbit I would say it involves calculating the needed time, considering that the Orbit{} command will probably need to use custom parameters (which Time is not):
Orbit { ... } – starts orbiting with custom parameters provided below:
AngularSpeed 45.0 – orbiting rate in degrees per second; default is 10.
Axis (0, 0.707, 0.707) – axis around which orbiting occurs; default is (0, 1, 0) – polar axis of an object.
FadeTime 1.5 – smooth start duration in seconds; default is 2.
Func "Cubic" – smooth start function; default is "Linear", possible values: "Linear", "Quadric", "Cubic", "Sin".
During orbiting, camera orientation changes in that way so the object remains static on the screen. Use the
Goto/GotoLocation/GotoURL commands before this one to set a proper initial orientation.
Important: the next script command will be executed immediately after this one. You must follow this command
with the Wait command, with some wait time to see the motion effect.
As the manual says,
Orbit goes indefinitely, and a
Wait command is needed for time, Then a
StopOrbit command is used.
AngularSpeed is 10 degrees per second, the orbit will have to last around 18 seconds (180 degrees) from side to side plus about 2 seconds which is the default
FadeTime parameter.
Can't test it rn but, if using default parameters, something like:
Wait 19
Could work.
The correct sintax for Select is:
Select "Earth|Moon"