Conversion to Vulkan is proceeding well. I don't have details, nor time to completion, though, as per usual.How is the conversion to vulcan going?
As far as I know, they said the are moving to Vulkan, but I don't know if we have received any updates related to this.You know, it wouldn't kill you to give some kind of update. Is this project being worked on at all? Last year, we were told to get more frequent updates, and yet here we are with still fewer updates about the progress.
While I'm sure that with "updates" they were referring to program updates, which are indeed more frequent, the conversion to Vulkan is progressing, as I posted few weeks ago. I'm sure that many would like to hear more in-depth descriptions of what devs are doing to translate existing code to Vulkan, and at the same time evaluating different ways to have the code ready and expandable for future needs. Many others would mainly know when it's done, and I have read wild speculations about it. The answer is always the same, the one in the FAQ.You know, it wouldn't kill you to give some kind of update. Is this project being worked on at all? Last year, we were told to get more frequent updates, and yet here we are with still fewer updates about the progress.
I remember a post talking about how this project might get a more clear public roadmap or similar. Now, I'm pretty sure this was posted by a trustworthy person, but maybe I'm wrong. The point is, I still revisit this forum from time to time in order to gain some information, but as you mentioned, the answer is always the same. 'It's progressing', 'There is no finish-date', and now "Unfortunately, devs are not yet available to discuss their work.". Sure, I understand that some information is best kept for the interns, but how bad could it be to give some hope? The transition to Vulkan is ultimately what will lead to further updates, especially regarding graphics and visuals, and so without it there is no accessible information or even speculation. The developers hold the power to release or not to release updates regarding features or dates, but I don't see any reason to keep everything behind closed curtains.While I'm sure that with "updates" they were referring to program updates, which are indeed more frequent, the conversion to Vulkan is progressing, as I posted few weeks ago. I'm sure that many would like to hear more in-depth descriptions of what devs are doing to translate existing code to Vulkan, and at the same time evaluating different ways to have the code ready and expandable for future needs. Many others would mainly know when it's done, and I have read wild speculations about it. The answer is always the same, the one in the FAQ.You know, it wouldn't kill you to give some kind of update. Is this project being worked on at all? Last year, we were told to get more frequent updates, and yet here we are with still fewer updates about the progress.
I hope you don't read my answer as annoying, it's just that I can do paraphrasing with the same answer only to an extent. Problem is, if you don't see questions (or emojis) answered, it seems to be seen as bad as repeating the same answer again and again. Unfortunately, devs are not yet available to discuss their work.
A program can use the Vulkan API and still be its own game engine, it's just a newer alternative to OpenGL. The foundations are still theirs.The transition to Vulcan means that SE has completely abandoned its concept of being an engine. At the same time, it has not become a game in 15 years of development. Now it is not a Space Engine and not a Space Game. And what is it? Space Promises. More than a year ago, I wrote a big post about how the authors should either forget all the excuses right now and just start making content, not a swamp of invisible digits like this ridiculous shameful temperature update that does not affect anything, but real visible content. Otherwise, this project has no future. And now more than a year has passed, and there are no changes at all. You called me a hater back then. Look at the blog posts for the year, there are no changes except minor fixes and catalog updates and that's it. I predict that when I look here in another year, there will be no changes either.
P.S. People, you are not being given any roadmap because there is no roadmap. You are not being shown updates because there are none.
Honestly, I have lost hope.
I doubt there are no further plans or updates, but I do critique their absolute lack of transparency regarding anything development-related. It only 'works' when there is a big, stable development studio and publisher, and as we all know SEs team is of a smaller magnitude. I half-agree with your past and present reasoning, but I still believe they are working on the project. I would like them to disprove your claims if they can, that way we all know what is or isn't going on.
I get where you're coming from. I would hope that the developers respond with honesty, and aim for some more clarity regarding the software. Telling the community how it's going is very important when updates are sparse, and/or your team is small. I wish they keep updating the program and expand their team, but the almost total silence is worrying in that aspect.Honestly, I have lost hope.
I doubt there are no further plans or updates, but I do critique their absolute lack of transparency regarding anything development-related. It only 'works' when there is a big, stable development studio and publisher, and as we all know SEs team is of a smaller magnitude. I half-agree with your past and present reasoning, but I still believe they are working on the project. I would like them to disprove your claims if they can, that way we all know what is or isn't going on.
No one says it clearly, but the impression given by the type of updates and small statements picked up here and there is that SpaceEngine is now aiming to be just an educational software, and without a real specific target. Maybe it's just my impression, but I don't see the enthusiasm and audacity of the initial project anywhere. I seem to only see the signs of a company and its need to invoice...
Do you think I, or any other person who recently posted here are blindly covering for the devs? Maybe you do, but it's not the reason I came here. I have been in the community long enough to notice those posts, and they are the exact reason I'm questioning their transparency. We could bash them and shout all we want but it wont make a difference in the end. I came here to get some answers as the Discord server never has any, and sadly Mosfet hasn't responded yet, though I understand it can take some time. As I said earlier, I agree with many of the points you present in all of your posts, but I still wanted to try another approach. Zero transparency as an ugly way of developing a game, and I think what we ultimately want are real answers. Not that I'm so sure there are many good ones, but I would like to be proven wrong.You are kind and dreamy, and therefore naive people. You believe in promises. We have a classic case here of how for years your ears hear promises, and your eyes see collapse, but you believe the first, not the second. I don't live like that, I look at what people do and if they do not what they say, then you are deceived. I advise you to gain this understanding.
They promised clouds. They promised a complex fuel system and control of the thermal balance of ships. They promised the dynamics of the Earth's snow caps. They promised frequent updates. Where is all this? 5 years have passed. New participants Andrew and Duke were mentioned here.
The fast updates party did not happen. Apologies for the delays. Only minor fixes are coming out. Andrew is mentioned again. After that, you will never hear from him, or Duke, or their promises again.
They promised a roadmap. They said there were several new programmers. Who are they, where are they? What have they done over the years?
They promised a roadmap again. They promised clouds again.
Still no roadmap. More promises of shadows and clouds. Promises of team expansion. Promises of moving to Vulcan! It's the 23rd year, now it's 25 and they promise Vulcan again.
A certain CEO Alex Sindri spoke out and never showed up again.
The last significant changes were:
Summer 2021 - Planetary rings (there hasn't been a single post about anything else for this entire year)
Summer 2022 - Accretion disks
Spring 2023 - Water improvements
And that's it. Since then there hasn't been a single visible improvement, only minor fixes and catalog updates. And after that you say "I hope there is a roadmap, they just don't show it to us."