17 Oct 2024 11:51
These are those files you asked for;
Unit 0.3049
Length 32
Material "aluminum"
Material "gunmetal"
Material "gunmetal_NONE"
Material "gunmetal"
Material "shttl_cargofloor"
Material "shuttle-LBD"
Material "shuttle-LBD_NONE"
EngineEffect "HVElectrajet_L"
Group "Main"
Type "Ion2"
Pos (-4 0 7)
Rot (0 0 0)
Size (1 0.5 -15)
Color (0.05 0.25 0.6)
EngineEffect "HVElectrajet_R"
Group "Main"
Type "Ion2"
Pos (4 0 7)
Rot (0 0 0)
Size (1 0.5 -15)
Color (0.05 0.25 0.6)
Name "shuttle-Skate"
Class "Planetship"
Pack "CSP"
Faction "USNA"
Length 32
Offset (0 0 0)
Quat (1 0 0 0)
Mass 36000
Albedo 0.1
Exposure 1
Color (1 1 1)
MainEngines 40
RetroEngines 0
HoverEngines 15
CorrEngines 0.5
TurnEngines 0.002
WarpBoostLog 0
Warpdrive false
Aerodynamics true
Camera { "Behind" (0 4 40) (1 0 0 0)}
Camera { "Behind" (40 4 -4) (0.7071067811865475 0 0.7071067811865475 0)}
Camera { "Cockpit" (0 2 -16) (1 0 0 0)}
Module "Main" { "shuttle-Skate.cfg" (1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1) }
************ .SC FILE FOR PLANET - physical settings;
Planet "TerraNova (Tau Ceti 4B)"
ParentBody "Poseidon (TauCeti 4)"
Class "Terra"
Mass 0.593
Radius 4687
InertiaMoment 0.331861
Oblateness 0.005
RotationPeriod 24.433
RotationOffset 0
Obliquity 29.5
EqAscendNode 154.28
Precession 25592
AlbedoBond 0.306
AlbedoGeom 0.01
Brightness 1.4
Color (0.579 0.611 0.703)
Class "Organic"
Type "Multicellular"
Biome "Marine/Terrestrial"
Panspermia "true"
.SC FILE FOR PLANET - atmosphere settings;
Model "Earth"
Height 60
Density 1.2929
Pressure 1
Greenhouse 33
Bright 9
Opacity 0
SkyLight 3
Hue 0
Saturation 1
N2 77.3674
O2 20.8625
Ar 1.3303
H2O 0.4
CO2 0.0398
I was hoping to be able to view and compare the settings for the CloseSpace Corp's "shuttle" as a performance analog for my own, but I can't seem to find it's .sss file or view it. I remember in the past it used to fly, well, at least "passably" okay, before recently becoming a rock like my current shuttles are now (meaning they've stopped flying as well).
The planet itself is just a copy of Earth, with a different surface skin. The atmosphere is copied directly from the Earth's .sc file, but with a 1% shift in the Nitrogen and Argon content levels. Gravity is basically earth normal.
Yes, I have played with and increased the numbers in the various engines, especially the CorrEngines, even though I don't know what they are or what they do (or what those elusive "shunt" engines are, that don't seem to appear anywhere, but are in tutorials).
I keep the TurnEngines low, because I want realistic gentle control of the ship while in space, and hopefully assume correctly, that they are irrelevant while in airplane mode atmospheric flight.
So, in summing up;
I want realistic maneuvering thruster control while in space, and good aerodynamic control while flying in air.
And separately, if possible, decent control of the ship while hovering.
But I don't understand the various engine categories provided, or why the Aerodynamics aren't working.
Let me know if I've provided enough….