Hello there, how exactly do you add texture/cloud colors into the SC file? I've been trying to maintain cloud colors for an add-on that I plan on releasing eventually!
The manual here
https://spaceengine.org/manual/making-a ... t-textures explains the use of the Cubemap utility to create cubemap textures. it's used for cloud textures too, not necessarily as greyscale values. If you look at the script for the Solar System, which is in data\catalogs\Catalogs.pak\planets\SolarSys.sc, you can see an example for Venus:
// Surface map author: John van Vliet
DiffMap "Venus/Surface-JVV"
DiffMapAlpha "None"
// Elevation map author: Vladimir Romanyuk "SpaceEngineer"
BumpMap "Venus/Bump-SE"
BumpHeight 13.7
BumpOffset 2.9
// Flip the map by 180°
FlipMap true
ModulateColor (1.0 0.84 0.70)
// Surface map author: "Snowfall"
DiffMap "Venus/Clouds-SF"
DiffMapAlpha "None"
// Flip the map by 180°
FlipMap true
ModulateColor (1.0 1.0 1.0)
Hapke 0
Height 50
Velocity 264 // km/h
Where even for the Clouds command there is
ModulateColor ( r g b ) (from the manual: scale (multiply) the RGB and Alpha colors of the Diff texture by this value.), meaning that you can fine-tune the color of the texture.
ModulateColor can be used even on procedural clouds.