Something I've never seen before- a planet visible in full detail from another completely unrelated planet. You can see the other planet go behind the sun and back out within a 2-hour period or so.
0.990, RS 8496-928-0-0-10 for anyone interested.
EDIT: An update to yesterday's picture. This is what the second planet looks like from the first planet at their absolute closest point, IIRC the apparent size was something like 2°45'. It's also close enough to reflect light onto the first planet like a moon
Probably not the most interesting phenomenon in the grand scheme of things but I've been looking for something like this for a while
Are they part of the same star cluster? I wonder how they'd be so close, being from separate star systems!
I thought he meant two unrelated planets as in one was not a moon of the other, but still in orbit about the same star. I once came across something similar in .9.8.0 — two planets in orbit about a red dwarf, the inner planet was a gas giant. The first pic shows the gas giant from the surface of the other planet, but this is at, or very near, opposition. That planet is about to pass behind the red dwarf sun. The second pic is from the same location on the outer planet, but zoomed in as the gas giant passes behind the sun. (A multiple system, most of the light comes from a more distant but much brighter companion star.)