Peculiar Galaxies 1.0 MOD It's version 0.980
MOD Download Link
Usage: Download the Pak file and place it in the addons folder of the Space Engine directory. Delete the cached file in the cache folder.
Hint: Some galaxies may not have the right view angle. Please move the view angle. Galaxies may be very dark. Press F7, turn on the brightness/luminosity settings, and properly increase the brightness of the galaxy model.
Updated Catalogue of Galaxies
Arp 87/NGC 3808/UGC 6643/MCG 4-28-21
Arp 142/NGC 2936/UGC 5130/PGC 27422
Arp 148/Mayall's Object/VV 032
Arp 194/UGC 6945/VV 126
Arp 272
Arp 147/VV 787/SDSS J031120.03+011858.4
Hercules A/3C 348
NGC 5195/Arp 85/ UGC 8494
NGC 7098/ESO 48-5/IRAS 21393-7520
UGC 10214/Arp 188/PGC 57129