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Galaxy Architect
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Sci-Fi (and other genre) Movies & TV Series

22 Nov 2019 17:57

I dont know if you're into watching this, but the Flash (CW version) is another interesting character; apparently he travels so fast he can see all pasts, presents and futures simultaneously.  He got his powers from an accident involving dark matter.  They are having a crossover event for 5 days beginning Dec 8 where all the universes are supposed to disappear because of dark matter, might be an interesting watch.  Different universe versions of superheroes will be in it, including the Smallville Superman.
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Sci-Fi (and other genre) Movies & TV Series

22 Nov 2019 19:30

apparently he travels so fast he can see all pasts, presents and futures simultaneously.  He got his powers from an accident involving dark matter.
Oh no, did the dark matter accidentally interact with him?  It's not supposed to do that.
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Sci-Fi (and other genre) Movies & TV Series

23 Nov 2019 01:00

Not sure where the flying ability came from although someone who originated on a planet with a much higher level of gravity should be able to do extended hops similar to what astronauts did on the Moon.
As far as I know,  the original Superman from the first issues could not fly yet. He actually only made very high jumps.
JackDole's Universe 0.990: http://forum.spaceengine.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=546
JackDole's Archive: http://forum.spaceengine.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=419
JackDole: Mega structures ... http://old.spaceengine.org/forum/17-3252-1 (Old forum)
Galaxy Architect
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Sci-Fi (and other genre) Movies & TV Series

24 Nov 2019 11:36

apparently he travels so fast he can see all pasts, presents and futures simultaneously.  He got his powers from an accident involving dark matter.
Oh no, did the dark matter accidentally interact with him?  It's not supposed to do that.
Yes, they had some silly idea that a lightning bolt hit a particle collider and created metahumans.  Dark matter does not (as far as we know) interact with humans, but there are some people on yahoo email groups floating around the idea of "bio dark matter"- I dont know what that's about.
Also, what I found fascinating was not the dark matter part, but that they had an actor pretending to be a physicist to come on and try to explain m theory and string theory and talking about how paradoxes are avoided in reverse time travel scenarios by drawing graphs on a chalk board to try and explain how multiple universes are created at moments of decision (as you know, I dont believe we have the ability to create universes just by mere force of will, in my model if there are "timeverses" they were always there to begin with and the decisions we made were already accounted for, sort of like a permanent temporal landscape.)
The idea of a god-like figure called The Monitor trying to make all the universes collapse in on each other by creating an excessive amount of dark matter is the central plot line to the new Crisis.  I wonder if it is possible for us to actually create enough dark matter to change the fate of the universe?  Can dark matter even be created?  Wouldn't it still have to behave in accordance with conservation laws, so the total mass-energy would have to remain the same?
Galaxy Architect
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Sci-Fi (and other genre) Movies & TV Series

24 Nov 2019 11:43

One series I'd recommend is a parody of Star Trek that was created (I cant remember the name right now) where the travelers journeyed through a 2D universe.  He did a surprisingly scientific computer simulation and explanation of how it would be possible to do this by creating a "bubble" of our universe around the ship.
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Sci-Fi (and other genre) Movies & TV Series

07 Jun 2021 03:15

I also watched The 100 and of course I can list a lot of stupid things there but still it has so many drawbacks that they turn into advantages. The fantasy of the writers is limitless, what will happen in the next five minutes is almost impossible to predict. The series has a high dynamic: when the heroes want to cry or sort things out, something will definitely explode nearby or a crowd of savages will run out of ambush. And frankly speaking Clarke always pissed me off - she is indistinct and inclined to change decisions halfway.

And The Expanse - I agree with guy above that these series are the most realistic space environment and technology ever showed in a TV show. And Interesting fact - completely in the spirit of the future of what is happening around us today, everything goes to the fact that space flights will be privatized. The pioneers of this movement will be people like Elon Musk Jeff Bezos, two of the wealthiest people on the planet. Bezos has profited colossally from the pandemic by running a company that thrives on draconian working conditions. It is unlikely that Bezos' planned expansion into space will be different.

Ironically, Bezos had a hand in the history of Expanse. The series aired on SyFy, but was canceled after the third season. Bezos burst in at the last minute and bought the rights to revive the series on Amazon Prime Video. Bezos is said to be a "big fan" and was thrilled to announce his resurrection at an international space development conference hosted by the National Space Society.
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Sci-Fi (and other genre) Movies & TV Series

07 Jun 2021 07:40

Unfortunately the corporate loopholes have let people like Bezos monopolize multiple markets and now he and his brother are going off into space.  He's leaving Amazon, but not the Washington Post, and you can see a definite pro-corporate agenda tilt to that newspaper.  There was a concerted effort by him to stop unionization at Amazon, which was borderline criminal.
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Sci-Fi (and other genre) Movies & TV Series

15 Jun 2021 01:45

Is the Wandering Earth worth watching?  It was certainly ok for killing a couple of hours of an 11 hour flight.  Acting was good in the sense that they were able to deliver the lines with a straight face.
It's completely bonkers and ridiculous as heck (moreso than 2012, which is saying something), and absolutely tropey and cliche, but I thought it was a lot of fun to watch. The worst part really was that reading the subtitles kinda distracted from the stuff happening on the screen a bit (and they zipped by a little fast too in places). 
Don't take it seriously anyway and enjoy it for what it is. :)
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Sci-Fi (and other genre) Movies & TV Series

26 Nov 2021 04:35

Ooo-kay.  The Wandering Earth seems to have a contender: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haQOVD1qtqc
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Sci-Fi (and other genre) Movies & TV Series

28 Nov 2021 20:02

One series I'd recommend is a parody of Star Trek that was created (I cant remember the name right now) where the travelers journeyed through a 2D universe.  He did a surprisingly scientific computer simulation and explanation of how it would be possible to do this by creating a "bubble" of our universe around the ship.
That was from The Orville
Thinking of it as just a "parody of star trek" is doing it a serious disservice. It's actually waaaay more true to Star Trek than any of the modern star trek offerings, which seem to have have completely missed the point of the franchise (Picard was an enormous disappointment to me). Orville may be silly in places but it's got some really good serious plotlines in it - definitely worth watching if you're wanting something to fill the gap of The Next Generation
Also they seem to have an inordinate number of cameos from former Star Trek actors as well, which is fun to look out for :)
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Sci-Fi (and other genre) Movies & TV Series

28 Nov 2021 20:25

One series I'd recommend is a parody of Star Trek that was created (I cant remember the name right now) where the travelers journeyed through a 2D universe.  He did a surprisingly scientific computer simulation and explanation of how it would be possible to do this by creating a "bubble" of our universe around the ship.
That was from The Orville
Thinking of it as just a "parody of star trek" is doing it a serious disservice. It's actually waaaay more true to Star Trek than any of the modern star trek offerings, which seem to have have completely missed the point of the franchise (Picard was an enormous disappointment to me). Orville may be silly in places but it's got some really good serious plotlines in it - definitely worth watching if you're wanting something to fill the gap of The Next Generation
Also they seem to have an inordinate number of cameos from former Star Trek actors as well, which is fun to look out for :)
Parody in the sense that it was more humorous lol....I thought of it as more of a humorous show but the 2D episode really stood out to me because thats how I always pictured a 2D universe and I wrote to the writers about it super excited about it.
How come it's no longer on FOX? I can't find it anywhere now.
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Sci-Fi (and other genre) Movies & TV Series

01 Dec 2021 22:10

it's in between seasons - it's had two seasons, I think the third is coming soon? 
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Re: Sci-Fi (and other genre) Movies & TV Series

04 Dec 2022 11:07

Star Wars, Dune, Star Trek, Interstellar. classic for the milleniums. 
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Re: Sci-Fi (and other genre) Movies & TV Series

17 Jul 2023 05:50

Interstellar is my favorite movie and I would recommend it to anyone, you don't need to be interested in space to enjoy the movie.
Dune is really great, watched the movie after reading the books and it is safe to say I am really excited for the upcoming sequel. It gets extra bonus point for the great world building, especially how space travel is 'solved' in this universe.
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Re: Sci-Fi (and other genre) Movies & TV Series

24 Jul 2023 04:28

I've watched the movie "65" and it was pretty cringe. Especially when they meet some weird and ugly dinosaur-monsters walking on four legs (there was no known quadrupede carnivores in the Cretaceous). Looks like dinosaur-reptile hybrids with some mammal features.
Why do you even need to do that? There's a huge number scary dinosaurs, most of which never got to the silver screen, why inventing some non-existent ones?

Dune is really great, watched the movie after reading the books and it is safe to say I am really excited for the upcoming sequel. It gets extra bonus point for the great world building, especially how space travel is 'solved' in this universe.
I also really enjoyed Dune, can't wait for the sequel!
The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human ambition.

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