apparently he travels so fast he can see all pasts, presents and futures simultaneously. He got his powers from an accident involving dark matter.
Oh no, did the dark matter accidentally interact with him? It's not supposed to do that.
Yes, they had some silly idea that a lightning bolt hit a particle collider and created metahumans. Dark matter does not (as far as we know) interact with humans, but there are some people on yahoo email groups floating around the idea of "bio dark matter"- I dont know what that's about.
Also, what I found fascinating was not the dark matter part, but that they had an actor pretending to be a physicist to come on and try to explain m theory and string theory and talking about how paradoxes are avoided in reverse time travel scenarios by drawing graphs on a chalk board to try and explain how multiple universes are created at moments of decision (as you know, I dont believe we have the ability to create universes just by mere force of will, in my model if there are "timeverses" they were always there to begin with and the decisions we made were already accounted for, sort of like a permanent temporal landscape.)
The idea of a god-like figure called The Monitor trying to make all the universes collapse in on each other by creating an excessive amount of dark matter is the central plot line to the new Crisis. I wonder if it is possible for us to actually create enough dark matter to change the fate of the universe? Can dark matter even be created? Wouldn't it still have to behave in accordance with conservation laws, so the total mass-energy would have to remain the same?