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Space Art

05 Oct 2018 21:21

I think you missed Saturn
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Space Art

06 Oct 2018 00:23

That reminds me -- there was a project back in 2009 called "Experience The Planets", which was a set of 10 images of Solar System locations produced by various artists, and they were all pretty spectacular and came with a nice description of the scene.  Sadly the site has been taken down (maybe can be found through wayback machine; I just couldn't get it to load properly).  Anyway here are some lower res versions that I could find:
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I think my favorite is the one of Titan with Saturn glowing beyond the haze. :)
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06 Oct 2018 04:00

I think you missed Saturn
Oddly enough the website I got the others from didn't have Saturn posted, unlike the Sci-Tech Universe website that I found later. I suspect that the former are Saturn-bigots :P.
"Experience The Planets"
Wow... I honestly don't know what to say. Those are freaking amazing!
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20 Oct 2018 05:04

                                                SPECULATIVE EXOBIOLOGY ARTWORK

The work of the following artists I thought is the most realistic in depicting extraterrestrial species and ecosystems, who might exist in our universe. These are roughly ordered from what I found to be the 'best', though beyond the third there is no real order. Credence is given to those artists who applied scientific realism to representing their aliens, their world and ecosystems. Originality in appearance is valued here on this list, for although convergent evolution may be possible in our universe, the mere presence of diversity among our planet's flora and fauna is testament to the fact that no one shape is valued over others. Basic physics and behavioral need dictates shape, and I for one am glad to see aliens whose appearance is shaped by science rather then a want for the audience to identify with the so-called 'non-humans', as seen so much in sci-fi movies and books.

As you gaze upon these wonderful and bizarre bioforms, I ask you to ponder: "What if? What if these creatures, some possessing sentience in our sense, actually exist? That via some sort of memetic super-positional influence the artists have captured the appearance of these beings who may even now gaze up at their stars and wonder alike?"
  • FURAHA: This world-building project is solely orchestrated by artist Gert van Dijk, and is probably the best alien-life depiction you will find anywhere on the internet. The level of professionalism on the project's site was so complete that you can be forgiven for thinking it is the work of a university or well-known book company. But it is just the work of one man in his free time - rather like Space Engine in its early days. The project centers around the solar-system of Nu Phoenicis, a real star of the type F9 category, some 50 light-years away. The website is awesome and I urge you to explore it and its regularly updated blog, which is amazing in of its self. Here is but a teaser:
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  • The next best alien designs I found were on the Orion's Arm Universe project. Not only being a spectacular hard sci-fi representation of humanities future in space, it is home to some realistic and unique extraterrestrials. Each is thoroughly described in detail on the website, adhering to scientific realism and a rigid doctrine to not depicting humanoids. Of course, Orion's Arm is so much more then it's xenosophonts...
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  • SNAIAD: Another world-building project similar to Furaha, also by one artist: C. M Kosemen (also known as Nemo-Ramjet on DeviantArt). This project is centered on the organisms inhabiting the planet Snaiad, which orbits an unknown star nearby that humanity has colonized some centuries in the future. But the human's are not important. What is important are the bizarre and truly alien wildlife on Snaiad. Visit the website yourself to get the full experience, it takes hours of reading and you won't regret any of it.
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  • Probably the best biological representation of intelligent lifeforms is done by Alex Ries, known as Abiogenesis on DeviantArt. He is also a well-known conceptual artist. All his art is amazing, but his Birrin aliens are of concern today! They are a hexapodial species from a hot, arid world called Chriirah. Theirs is a society similar to ours, facing the same challenges of technology, politics and climate-change, amidst a world of intriguing and beautiful wildlife.
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  • The alien artwork of Sanrou on DeviantArt is both strange but natural-looking. As you explore the images and data on the fauna, you can almost believe the tidally-locked planet Anu was recently discovered by astronomers and is being studied by biologists. 
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  • Simon Roy's (or povorot on DeviantArt) aliens are interesting in a space-opera sense, as you could just see them strolling (or scuttling) through a Star Wars type cantina. 
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Anyway, that's it for now. I'll post some more alien creature art in the future, since this is only the tip of a creepy and interesting alien iceberg!
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20 Oct 2018 20:14

Postcard from Furaha:
Postcard from Furaha.png
Sent from the lovely beaches of the Paleogea Islands!
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21 Jan 2019 22:23

I'd like to present the amazing work of science-fiction auther and talented painter Ludek Pesek (c. 1919-1999). This Czech-born illustrator clearly had a long-held fascination with Mars, as we shall see, and his concise depictions of extraterrestrial environments can still capture a sense of dramatization lacking in many modern, accuracy-mindful artwork today.

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Image Image

I apologize for the small image sizes.
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29 Apr 2021 18:38

Guys, first of all, sorry for writing in a 2-year-old thread, but I cannot express how much you impressed me with these pictures. For me, it is mindblowing what others can do using a computer; I am the one who uses the laptop for Facebook and Netflix, that is it. Second of all, can I buy clip art?  I want to print this whole image on a wall. You're doing a great job, and I wish I was capable of the same. Finally, could you leave me a message in regards to the picture? I am willing to buy it! Looking forward to your answer!
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07 Jun 2021 02:18

Wonderful pictures! I also would like to share of of my favorite artist Cathrin Machin, who make incredible space art: 
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Space Art

14 Oct 2021 01:33

My concept of colonists arriving at a planet in the Tau Ceti system, after a 95 year voyage in cryosleep.
Made with Blender3D.


CSP-Terra Nova HEO123web by osukent302, on Flickr


CSP-LEO_unloading21web by osukent302, on Flickr
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Re: Space Art

26 May 2022 05:28

Postcard from Furaha:
Postcard from Furaha.png

Sent from the lovely beaches of the Paleogea Islands!
by the way, I select color palettes here https://create.vista.com/colors/palettes/90s-color-palette/ , as you can easily find the right color scheme for coherence and harmony in your work, and plus this is saving time on manually selecting a color scheme.
Your work looks amazing, I'm in awe. Now I am just starting my journey in studying digital art, so I am looking for any useful information for myself, thank you for sharing. It's just great, kudos.
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Re: Space Art

17 Jan 2024 21:35

Some of my oil paintings. I like old space sci fi and it very inspired me.






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