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Space; How did you get interested in it?

26 Oct 2020 07:13

My interest in space started when I was a child.
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Space; How did you get interested in it?

26 Oct 2020 07:19

The Super Red Supergiant the Super Red Supergiant Star - UY Scuti, 1708 ± 192 Solar Radii, the biggest known star in the Universe UY Scutiar - UY Scuti, 1708 ± 192 Solar Radii, the biggest known star in the Universe UY Scuti
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Space; How did you get interested in it?

04 Dec 2020 04:12

Hello everybody! My story is not as romantic as stargazing in nature or anything like that. I just accidentally saw a few articles and videos on YouTube that hooked me with something. It was only about 6 years ago. But now I'm 30 and I try to follow the news from the space industry. I guess I just like to feel like we're living in an age of great accomplishment
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Space; How did you get interested in it?

16 Dec 2020 11:44

My story started in high school. I was interested in maths and sciences previously but what really turned my eyes forever skywards was Carl Sagan's Cosmos. I can't remember how I stumbled into watching it but most likely it was short clips on YouTube after which I downloaded and binge-watched the whole series.

Fast forward about 10 years and a physics degree, now I work in a planetarium, designing shows and trying to share the awesomeness of the Universe with others. I discovered Space Engine quite early on (but haven't been active in the forums) and I've always been inspired by the attempt of visual realism SpaceEngineer aims for - for me it's a very helpful visualization tool to explain how things would actually look like 'out there' if we could see it with our own eyes.

The more messed up things are here on Earth, the more I find myself looking at the sky and wishing there were more news about what our space probes and telescopes have found elsewhere.
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Space; How did you get interested in it?

17 Dec 2020 06:53

Watch the new Cosmos series, it is also spectacular!
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Space; How did you get interested in it?

18 Dec 2020 00:49

Watch the new Cosmos series, it is also spectacular!
It's not too bad, but I think the original series wasn't in desperate need of a redo.  The original series was more about the history and philosophy of science than astronomy, which could rather be seen as an example in this respect.  Much has happened in astronomy since the original series, but not so much things that Sagan needed to be seriously corrected on.  Usually it's more about further evidence.  Sagan was a brilliant communicator, who is difficult to match.  An orator in the classical sense, carefully choosing words meant to be spoken.
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Space; How did you get interested in it?

18 Dec 2020 08:06

Watch the new Cosmos series, it is also spectacular!
It's not too bad, but I think the original series wasn't in desperate need of a redo.  The original series was more about the history and philosophy of science than astronomy, which could rather be seen as an example in this respect.  Much has happened in astronomy since the original series, but not so much things that Sagan needed to be seriously corrected on.  Usually it's more about further evidence.  Sagan was a brilliant communicator, who is difficult to match.  An orator in the classical sense, carefully choosing words meant to be spoken.
Yes and his books were also spectacular, he was a gifted communicator through his writing also.  I also watch Nova, which seems to be a better version that covers the same topics (see Nova season 46 episode 2 which covers quantum entanglement and its implications on relativity and space-time being emergent not fundamental properties of the universe, vs the way Cosmos treated the same subject, season 3 episode 11)
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Space; How did you get interested in it?

19 Dec 2020 09:40

Hello everybody! My story is not as romantic as stargazing in nature or anything like that. I just accidentally saw a few articles and videos on YouTube that hooked me with something. It was only about 6 years ago. But now I'm 30 and I try to follow the news from the space industry. I guess I just like to feel like we're living in an age of great accomplishment
I like this one. We all have stories about how since we were childs space was engaging and all. But this, been 24 and starting to have a new strong feeling about it, is just precious. It means that your mind is open and elastic as can be :)
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Space; How did you get interested in it?

21 Dec 2020 07:27

Oh, thanks for that. But I recently discovered that my mind is not as open as I would like. Communicated on another forum and was unable to critically examine the opponent's point of view. I just started to insist on my own. (On the fact that rocketry and travel are at a stage of development when we can already dream of not too long interplanetary travel in a relatively short period of time). I still need to work on my perception of other points of view.
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Space; How did you get interested in it?

22 Feb 2021 04:54

I'm glad to find a community of like-minded people who share my interests. My story is quite simple — I saw a Startrek TV series when I was a child and felt that I want to explore space. When I started to learn more about it, I realized that space is so huge that no one spacecraft can find the end of space. But we should never lose hope to find it.
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Space; How did you get interested in it?

27 May 2021 07:37

Hi everyone! During last years I have been getting interested in space themes more and more but I clearly remember that first time I felt enthusiasm about it. We had astronautics day celebration at school and teachers told us about first satellite in space launched by Soviet Union and of course about Yurii Gagarin as a first man in open space. After that I started to search for any available source to find out more information connected with space. 
Of course now it is much easier as we have unlimited access to internet so you can find anything you want starrting from sceintific articles up to fiction and movies. By the way the last series I watched - The Expanse, based on fiction but it worth watching, imho :)
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Space; How did you get interested in it?

29 May 2021 07:27

Because I really am.
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Space; How did you get interested in it?

02 Jun 2021 06:52

I am interested since 4th grade, my father gave me encyclopedia about space exploration, starts, planets and everything connected with it. I was amazed by the articles and pictures there so much that I took that book everywhere despite it was heavy. Also I visited planetarium and that was unforgetable experience (that was visualization of Solar system journey). However I knew the names of all planets in Solar system before that,since I was 6 y.o.  I guess,  because me and my friends were fans of the Sailor Moon cartoon  :lol: 

Anyway starting from that encyclopedia - I become lifelong fan of space research  <3
“Across the sea of space, the stars are other suns.”
― Carl Sagan
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Space; How did you get interested in it?

02 Jun 2021 08:58

When I was in 3rd grade my father showed me an amazing total lunar eclipse in Brooklyn NY and that got me hooked, not only because of the beautiful blood red moon but also because I was amazed at how many stars were visible from NYC at 3 AM in the morning!  I then called the Hayden Planetarium and found out that you could see planets just using your eyes!  My mind was blown and I became a regular observer ever since.  My next milestone was 4th grade when I obtained two books, Birds of the World and The Stars: A New Way to See Them, and this is how I got involved in my two favorite hobbies, identifying and taking pictures of birds, and astronomy.  I love how the former was organized in terms of bird classification and had true size pictures of bird eggs on both inside covers and how the latter organized the constellations into structures that actually looked like what their names suggested!
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Space; How did you get interested in it?

05 Jul 2021 11:55

So there was this game called Angry Birds Space that I used to play a lot, but it didn't really get me into space that much, that is until the Solar System update came out around 2015 (around the time of New Horizons visiting Pluto). It was also around this time that I got a National Geographic book related to the game
Here is the book in question
"I'm sure the universe is full of intelligent life. It's just been too intelligent to come here."
Arthur C. Clarke, 1996

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