The Cat nebula is fantastic! How did you find that?
I just ran across it! I wish SE would save your places according to the name you gave the feature, not what type of feature it was. I know that I named this nebula, but I can't remember what, and "cat" doesn't return anything. I literally have thousands of places saved, many of which are nebulae, but to try and go through them all looking for this place would likely take forever.
Oh, and here's a group project, kind of a scavenger hunt... Let's see if we can finish this list of numbers together! Depending on how successful this is, maybe we can do the alphabet next. :p

You can highlight the number by cropping it, but don't edit the image any other way. Let's see if we can do this!
The inkblot test!
If a psychologist showed me Apollonius' image, I would say "Sir, what are we doing".
I see nothing but just purple colors on an orange ground
See if you can see it now... I isolated the face in profile.