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by An'shur
12 Jun 2018 03:58
Forum: Off-topic Discussions
Topic: Unusual weather
Replies: 453
Views: 178902

Unusual weather

I woke up to this today. Thunderstorms are not unusual this time of the year, but this is definitely one of the stronger ones.
by An'shur
10 Jun 2018 07:04
Forum: Troubleshooting and Solutions
Topic: Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine
Replies: 1690
Views: 656355

Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine

Sometimes while editing a planet and exporting, canyonFraction drops to 0. Then I have to rewrite it manually to canyonsFraction and add the value I want (I believe plural form with s to be correct, since the other two parameters for canyons use it).

It mostly happens to me while editing deserts ...
by An'shur
01 Jun 2018 07:41
Forum: Science and Astronomy Discussions
Topic: Science and Astronomy Questions
Replies: 1937
Views: 667538

Science and Astronomy Questions

20650 In an unrelated question, do all Earthlike planets orbiting G-class stars have to have green plants?
This is a fascinating subject and you might enjoy checking out this thread from the old forum. :)

I think it is far from certain that all plants on planets orbiting G stars must be based on ...
by An'shur
30 May 2018 09:21
Forum: Mods and Addons
Topic: An's Addon Database
Replies: 23
Views: 20692

An's Addon Database

Freelancer-Sirius Sector minor update: I have just added 8192x4096 maps of the dyson sphere in an additional link. The base version of the addon only uses 4096x2048 textures, because my SE crashes everytime I try to use bigger ones. Just replace the old DS maps in addons/textures/planets.
by An'shur
29 May 2018 18:13
Forum: General Discussions
Topic: Space chats with your friendly neighbourhood anthropologist!
Replies: 44
Views: 24365

Space chats with your friendly neighbourhood anthropologist!

Hello there. I am a soon-to-be 22 years old student of applied physics.

6715 Why space? What does it mean to you? Why does it interest you? What inspired you or sparked your original interest?
It is not easy to elaborate why am I interested in space. It is like when people ask me questions like ...
by An'shur
28 May 2018 14:28
Forum: Mods and Addons
Topic: Star Wars addons
Replies: 166
Views: 122019

Star Wars addons

So the Vandor-1 planet in Solo, while sharing the exact same name as the planet in the EU, is not in the Coruscant system but somewhere in the mid-rim.

How are you going to deal with duplicates like that?
Objects can be named the same, if they have different parent bodies. For example, asteroids ...
by An'shur
26 May 2018 11:44
Forum: Mods and Addons
Topic: An's Addon Database
Replies: 23
Views: 20692

An's Addon Database

Added Sirius Sector from the game Freelancer. I've been working on it for quite a while, so I hope you enjoy it. :)

Here are some highlights. Not enough to spoil the addon, hopefully.
Planet Houston

Planet Munich with a ringed ...
by An'shur
22 May 2018 05:49
Forum: Off-topic Discussions
Topic: What other games do you play?
Replies: 83
Views: 56315

What other games do you play?

World of Tanks and Freelancer
by An'shur
17 May 2018 04:37
Forum: Off-topic Discussions
Topic: the worst thing that has ever happened to you
Replies: 29
Views: 16020

the worst thing that has ever happened to you

Well, got hit by a car when aged 8 at the end of my first grade in elementary school. Two broken vertebrae accompanied by a much less serious pelvis fracture. It took me three weeks in hospital (where I observed my first and only Venus transit, 2004, so there is at least some light in it) and the ...
by An'shur
16 May 2018 12:17
Forum: Science and Astronomy Discussions
Topic: Science and Astronomy Questions
Replies: 1937
Views: 667538

Science and Astronomy Questions

Watsisname , there is probably no error in your equations. I used 10 nanometres wide rectangles, but the difference should be negligible. The thing is, that our specifics for the variable star itself differ. My temperature waves between 2400 and 2700 K and radius goes from 349 to 481 Solar radii ...
by An'shur
15 May 2018 05:15
Forum: Science and Astronomy Discussions
Topic: Astrophotography
Replies: 661
Views: 217579


Constellation Virgo from 1280 meters of altitude, about 50°N, 12th May. The sky is classified as Bortle 4.
by An'shur
14 May 2018 11:46
Forum: Science and Astronomy Discussions
Topic: Science and Astronomy Questions
Replies: 1937
Views: 667538

Science and Astronomy Questions

Watsisname , according to several of my uni teachers, the spectral distribution function is not integrable for definite bounds. Meaning, I cannot hope to form the integration using elementary functions. So at first, I approximated it for visible spectrum (390-700nm) by cutting the distribution ...
by An'shur
09 May 2018 01:55
Forum: Science and Astronomy Discussions
Topic: Science and Astronomy Questions
Replies: 1937
Views: 667538

Science and Astronomy Questions

Watsisname, thank you for swift reply, I will look into it this week.
by An'shur
08 May 2018 09:25
Forum: Science and Astronomy Discussions
Topic: Science and Astronomy Questions
Replies: 1937
Views: 667538

Science and Astronomy Questions

So I chose to plot a curve of a variable star for homework at university before realizing that it may be more complicated...

Star's radius and temperature changes in time. I know that the surface temperature is highest about the time of the smallest radius. I am talking about Chi Cygni here. It's ...
by An'shur
13 Apr 2018 15:15
Forum: Mods and Addons
Topic: List of Mods for Space Engine
Replies: 104
Views: 220979

List of Mods for Space Engine

Could you please add my little collection to the list? It's An's Addon Database.
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