Ultimate space simulation software

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by longname
06 Aug 2024 18:11
Forum: General Discussions
Topic: Celestia (vanilla) vs. Space Engine vs. Celestia Origin
Replies: 11
Views: 8796

Re: Celestia (vanilla) vs. Space Engine vs. Celestia Origin

How do you think Celesta (vanilla), Space Engine, and Celestia Origin are similar, and how do you think they are different?
Please, do not talk about this.
Nobody was talking about anything. The thread had been dead for three years until you posted this.
by longname
29 Nov 2023 11:27
Forum: General Discussions
Topic: Space Engine on Discord
Replies: 38
Views: 143469

Re: Space Engine on Discord

I will never get unbanned from the Official Space Engine Discord Server...
Why were you banned again?
by longname
28 Nov 2023 14:26
Forum: Development
Topic: A hypothetical improvement survey.
Replies: 7
Views: 3963

Re: A hypothetical improvement survey.

In dealing with the Solar Systems planets especially, I was wandering how many of you with older systems would have sacrificed in various areas in life if it meant higher detail terrain. Image tiles and bump maps alike..... So please share this if you would for numbers sake. How many would wish to ...
by longname
26 Nov 2023 11:52
Forum: Feedback and Suggestions
Topic: General questions about SpaceEngine
Replies: 822
Views: 323487

Re: General questions about SpaceEngine

I'd be interested in seeing a comparison between your photography and your SpaceEngine replicas.

Here is one picture, centered on 2023.10.23 19:18 UTC:
The little bright spot left to the Great Red Spot is Io, the dark spot ...
by longname
26 Nov 2023 06:21
Forum: Feedback and Suggestions
Topic: General questions about SpaceEngine
Replies: 822
Views: 323487

Re: General questions about SpaceEngine

I tried to recreate some of my astro photos with SpaseEngine, and I've found that the rotational phase of Jupiter is just not right. It shows the Great Red Spot facing us when it is not, and not facing us when it is.
I just landed on earth at the correct location, and centered Jupiter, and ...
by longname
10 Nov 2023 14:08
Forum: Science and Astronomy Discussions
Topic: Science and Astronomy Questions
Replies: 1937
Views: 667540

Re: Science and Astronomy Questions

I always wondered... can astronauts "swim" in air while on microgravity?
Rooms are always quite tiny so you can always grab something to move without any problems, but if you were in a bigger module and you had nothing at your reach to grab, could you push air as you push water when swimming to be ...
by longname
15 Oct 2023 14:12
Forum: Development
Topic: Work progress 0.991
Replies: 467
Views: 202674

Re: Work progress 0.991

Good afternoon. I only have one question, but it's a big one.
I read another blog post (about temperatures) and I want to ask, as they once asked Blizzard: “Is this a out of date April Fool’s joke?” Months, if not years, have passed since the last visible changes. And so I read a post that ...
by longname
24 Aug 2023 18:46
Forum: Feedback and Suggestions
Topic: General suggestions for SpaceEngine
Replies: 1528
Views: 627245

Re: General suggestions for SpaceEngine

Better generated galaxy distribution, if you look at the real galaxy clusters compared to the generated ones there are much more densely populated areas in that cluster. Also a great addition to galaxy generation is that the filaments between clusters resemble more of line shapes you see near the ...
by longname
14 Aug 2023 05:04
Forum: Feedback and Suggestions
Topic: General questions about SpaceEngine
Replies: 822
Views: 323487

Re: General questions about SpaceEngine

so ik that most of the game is generated but when i go to real planets they arent always what they are in real life even though showing its not procedurally generated, e.g attached kepler-62e irl vs ingame
SpaceEngine is wrong for showing it as a gas giant, but you should not assume that an artist ...
by longname
24 Jul 2023 06:36
Forum: Off-topic Discussions
Topic: Sci-Fi (and other genre) Movies & TV Series
Replies: 60
Views: 46539

Re: Sci-Fi (and other genre) Movies & TV Series

I've watched the movie "65" and it was pretty cringe. [complains about creative liberties]
by longname
18 Jul 2023 10:13
Forum: Mods and Addons
Topic: Help with creating Mods and Addons
Replies: 1230
Views: 456991

Re: Help with creating Mods and Addons

But it only explains how to import textures from existing galaxies with images, I’m trying to make my own textures (for example which program should I use etc)
There isn't much difference from taking an image of an existing galaxy from one of the many places you can find by using a search engine ...
by longname
07 Jul 2023 14:32
Forum: Feedback and Suggestions
Topic: General questions about SpaceEngine
Replies: 822
Views: 323487

Re: General questions about SpaceEngine

what happened to the black holes in SE? like I left the simulator for a few months, and the black holes turned from clear objects into some kind of mess with a bunch of dithering and other noises (unchecking the dithering does not help) the only thing that helps a little is raising the settings to ...
by longname
25 Apr 2023 10:09
Forum: Troubleshooting and Solutions
Topic: Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine 0.990
Replies: 1363
Views: 393643

Re: Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine 0.990

[MT] Renderer: Intel(R) HD Graphics Gen11
There's your problem.
by longname
04 Apr 2023 21:27
Forum: General Discussions
Topic: New Members Introduction Thread
Replies: 325
Views: 175412

Re: Online spacecraft editor

also space is cold. but have you herd Andromeda is crashing the milkyway
Space isn't cold; space is nothing. The medium that permeates it is usually cold but is sometimes extremely hot.

Andromeda is only going to crash into the Milky Way only in the same sense two clouds can "crash" into each ...
by longname
04 Apr 2023 14:18
Forum: General Discussions
Topic: Physical simulation of the space engine
Replies: 49
Views: 32245

Re: Physical simulation of the space engine

I'm interested in the new gravitational lensing model used in Space Engine. I know it's based on the Kerr metric and the fact that it can be solved in real time still amazes to me. However, I have noticed some slight differences with the lensing effect produced by rapidly spinning black holes in ...
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