These forums are still a place where you can ask questions or post SpaceEngine related material, it's less crowded than before, devs post here less than before, but is nonetheless checked regularly. I gather that some of you would like to hear directly from devs, they don't post regularly on Discord ...
Злравствуйте. Я плохо разбираюсь в модах. И прошу совета. Можно ли каким-то простым модом взять несколько обьектов и медленно летать от одного к другому в случайном порядке? From Google translator: Hello. I don't understand mods very well. And I ask for advice. Is it possible to take several ...
If you're referring to a guide on Steam on how to add syntax highlighting for SpaceEngine scripts in Sublime Text 3 (, you can add a comment to the end of the guide, hopefully the extension creator will step in. As for Visual Studio ...
Some galaxies that I go to do not have galactic centers appear. By this, I mean the supermassive black hole and the stars that orbit around it in the simulation do not appear. They are simply missing. This is not universal. Most galaxies I visit do have their centers, but some of them do not. I ...
Thank you Mosfet . I have another question. Sometimes, after closely observing a celestial body, the textures of other planets disappear, turning them into blue or black spheres. I can only fix this by restarting the program. Is there a solution to this issue?
Hi i` m new here and i have a Problem with my coding. can someone help me? i try too make a short Video were we start at a boten of earht and go too the dark site of the moon rotate the moon too the light site here is my code what done i wong? and sorry i do not much coding and pc stuff. Thanks ...
From Google Translate Hello, I saw this statement in the "Interface Commands" section of the manual script: "Message text supports BBCode: you can change ...
Hello, How do i mark planets in Mods (in the .sc file) as procedural? Because i want to hide the imported planets/stars when i disable procedural stars/planets. Thank You!
Procedural objects are those that the program calculates and shows "on the spot". Everything coming from .sc files are, by ...
Wrong variables. The right ones for constellation Orion are:
ConstLinesOri ConstBoundaryOri ConstLabelOri
...and 87 similar for other constellations. Use IAU abbreviation as a prefix of a variable. Since these are variables, you control them by a command Set:
Acquiring more developers is always an option, I'm sure that all various factors are taken into consideration for such a move, and it will be announced like before if it comes to that.
Where is the planet k2-360b? I looked for it in the space engine and couldn't find it.
Not all exoplanets discovered during K2 NASA mission, or other missions for that matter, are yet distributed with SpaceEngine. Unfortunately There are no automatic conversions between several existing ...
You know, it wouldn't kill you to give some kind of update. Is this project being worked on at all? Last year, we were told to get more frequent updates, and yet here we are with still fewer updates about the progress.
While I'm sure that with "updates" they were referring to program updates ...