Not to sound like a "bootlicker" but I hope many of the people complaining realize that for much of SpaceEngine's development, only *1* person was working on it. Yes, there are more people working on it now than ever before, but development takes time, and SE notoriously takes time to develop. It ...
The problem, I guess, is that there's no game yet. This is an engine. Something that will eventually be used to build a game, that one, for sure, with playable content. This is MYYYTH. After 13 years of development, we must already admit it - this is a rose-colored dream that will never come ...
I don't know for sure, but I believe the reason the star vibrates is because of floating point precision errors. The further something is from the center [Milky Way], the less accurate it becomes.
Given the fact that a new SE build came out last month [albeit as a beta build] its safe to say that SE development is still ongoing, just at a slower pace.
I suggest somebody make an addon for COCONUTS-2b and its parent star. COCONUTS-2b technically exists already as WISEPA J075108.79-763449.6 but its catalogued as an individual object and as a Y-type brown dwarf instead of a planet. The parent star, COCONUTS-2A, does not seem to exist in-game. If ...
When moving the camera inside of volumetric rings, the tiny rocks appear very obfuscated and blurred. They also seem pixelated and crunchy (so to speak) even at high quality.
Specs: AMD A12-9720P RADEON R7, 12 COMPUTE CORES 4C+8G 2.70 GHz w/16GB RAM (Doesn't run SE at a very smooth fps, but I play ...
Is the easter egg that the 2 moons of Gy'wau have the same orbital period, but orbit on different sides from eachother?
If that's the case its a little underwhelming but an easter egg nonetheless.
That actually looks beautiful. If you figure out how you did it, please let us know. :) Sorry but I wasn't able to replicate it. It was a single time thing and I was fortunate enough to capture it. I'm gonna assume it was something wrong with my computer cause when I relaunched SpaceEngine it ... Either a bug with my computer or a bug with the game, but for whatever reason volcanoes among other things' brightness is way out of wack compared to the rest of the planet, and for some reason the light from the volcanoes renders awkwardly. Only when you move far enough ...