I just downloaded the latest update to SE and all my stars are missing. No stars show at all.. The button to enable stars is selected and is ON. I disabled and enable and no stars show up at all...
Hi folks.. I have a Ryzen5 3600 6 core machine with 32gb of memory and plenty of SSD drive space. I have an MSI monitor I JUST added that is curved and replaces two separate older monitors that were side by side.The native resolution of the monitor is 3440x1440 and its set to that. I have an RTX ...
Thank you for the tips... It all worked great! I set keys for accelerating and decelerating time but when I use it, it just says "Time Scale 0x" and doesnt change... It seemed to work for a bit and I could set the time scale but it stopped working and I cant get it to work any longer... Did I ...
Ok figured out that the markers for asteroids, comets and dwarf planets was on. Turned it off and they vanished.. good! But now I still have the original issue of not seeing 3D rings and that is a bit more of a problem... I have the 990.43.1865 version that is supposed to have them. That is what it ...
30833 I cant create new topics for some reason, perhaps because I am new to the forum? But that isnt the issue.. I have noticed and couldnt find mention of it (I looked), that SE has incorrect distances to stars in some cases that off pretty badly.
SIrius in SE is shown to be 6.26 ly away. Its 8.6 ...
SIrius in SE is shown to be 6.26 ly away. Its 8.6 in reality Procyon is shown to be 9.56 ly when its really over 11ly away..
So how can I go about fixing erroneous distances? I am willing to make it a task I do on an update basis to repair the star catalogs. I love to use SE in m astronomy ...
I cant create new topics for some reason, perhaps because I am new to the forum? But that isnt the issue.. I have noticed and couldnt find mention of it (I looked), that SE has incorrect distances to stars in some cases that off pretty badly.
SIrius in SE is shown to be 6.26 ly away. Its 8.6 in ...
I cant post a new topic so I have to add on to whatever thread there is so sorry for that up front. I posted about a blue hypergiant star that was near the Sun. Turns out it was likely an erroneous addition to the add on called BinaryStars Update1 SE0978.pak.
I cannot post a new topic so I have to ask here...
Why is there an apparent mag -13 Blue Hypergiant near the Solar System in SE?? This star doesnt exist. NO other star is app mag -13, brighter than the moon .. Absolute mag yes but Apparent mag no way...